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Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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On 2021-03-08 at 9:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


I hope we will be able to fully fill these slots even with mods with a high cost :)

Since that was an issue with the old model. We couldnt euqip all avionics since the capacity limit was to less in order to take full benefit of the mod slots :)

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One of the things I noticed from the image of mods shared by Rebecca is the fact that they have made bulkhead, maxima, anode cell and hull weave as aura mods. I sincerely hope they change this. Since the corresponding mods for warframes are respectively vitality, redirection, fast deflection and steel fibre, none of which are aura mods. The problem with aura mods is that you can only use a single one as aura mods cannot be fitted into ordinary slots. The whole point of aura mods was to be able to share it in a squad so it made sense, however these mods are too critical to normal builds to allow just 1 to be used. Is this some way of DE adding artificial difficulty by making our railjacks flimsier? Given the way this modding seems to show, I will never be able to build a railjack as tanky as the one I have now which uses both bulkhead and hull weave. 

Do we really need an aura mod slot in railjack? What does aura even mean for a railjack, it is not like there are multiple railjacks floating about which will share auras. If it is only that you need it to increase capacity for modding, at least use mods which are not critical for standard builds to do so.

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3 часа назад, larsonsier сказал:

2) Are we still at the mercy of the hosts RJ weapon choices?  A lot of Tenno chose cryophon for the side turrets.  It's a good choice for the pilot but very poor for side turrets imo and resulted in me not touching them.  It would be very nice if we got to utilize our turrets instead.

nobody uses side turrets unless you are a toxic who destroy tether just for fun

so I would like the option to remove the side turrets altogether

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I think there are some good changes, I specially liked the fact that the Railjack is actually smaller now (easier to be looking for all those fires), and while you're at it I would advise a "declutering" of Grinner ships. If there is one thing Orphix Venom showed us, is that it is MUCH easier to pilot the Necramech, and even parkour with the Warframe, in the (new) Corpus ships. Corridors are wide and there is little obstruction in the way. While in the Grinner... Well, it fells like we landed on a toddler's room. lol

But IMO most of these are "turning nobs"... The Command and it's Intrinsics part feels like ANOTHER thing we'll have to deal with/grind for, when we already have Specters and we can't Costumize those (I would rather have THAT tbh).

I'm just gonna be honest: None of what I saw/read makes me want to play Railjack... again.

These missions are STILL on another map. They are NOT integrated into regular Warframe missions (altought I now you say they'll be... kinda). It still feels like another game inside a game.

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51 minutes ago, Merrcenary said:

nobody uses side turrets unless you are a toxic who destroy tether just for fun

This mentality sums up the inherent issues with the current implementation of Battle Avionics perfectly. The availability of hyper-optimal play births players like this. Linking Railjack energy to your Warframe's pool will not solve this issue (in fact, it seems more likely to exacerbate it), there needs to be some kind of limitation on how often we can deploy such game-changing powers.

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What will happen to the dirac we have invested in our avionics?
Will that be refunded in terms of endo?
Will the avionics be converted to mods of the same rank?
Will we lose all that dirac and have to grind for no reason at all?

Also,i would prefer if the costs to upgrade the avionics remain the same as dirac and endo are being converted in a 1:1 ratio,i dont want to be getting 2.5k from and avionic,just to have to invest 30k into it

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This why de will continue to get backlash. They introduce ralijack which no one wanted completely with game breaking bugs then de went on holiday. When de return they received huge justify blacklash. Completely forgotten first impression matter. De finally manage to get ralijack in working order and players where finally enjoying it. Now this are trying to make the all your customer to leave warframes forever.

1st reduce inside of ralijack is total inconvenience. This will make boarding parties battles more restricted preventing movement

2nd remove ralijack elements damage like plasma etc. Instead of adding it to the rest of warframe. Is short sighted we need these and new elements. This will give players new builds for frame, weapons and new types enemies with different strength/weakness and immunnes

Finally would be much easy kuva relics have higher chance of drop kuva mods to take down kuva liches.

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  1. Railjack built before Empyrean was even launched - [Check]
  2. Have all Avionic grid slots max'd - [Check]
  3. Own all Top Avionics - [Check] 
  4. Have all Avionics maxed - [Check]
  5. All Intrinsics at R10 - [Check] (except command naturally)
  6. Over 320,987 Dirac spare - [Check]
  7. 36/36 Scrap Components & Armaments from ages ago - [Check]
  8. Spending hours and hours at the start of railjack farming and building - [Check] (Before DE turned farming into high returns)
  9. Spending hours and hours getting my Railjack to be a solo beast and Taxi when needed to help out players who didn't have one yet - [Check]
  10. Need to have a ton of Endo and Forma for the new system - [Check] Why DE why impose a Forma sink on a system that was fine and unique, yes I watched the video, new players can't work it out, hmm we did, so this is your way of helping them understand better you add Forma, the Necramechs were a Forma sink to use them properly, but going down this road everything needs a Forma is down right sad.
  11. How many Forma do we need? under the new system to get our ships back to how we had them before UNKNOWN - [Check]

I love railjack I spent months out on the rim flying around doing missions building stuff striving to get that next awesome drop like engines, shields, guns and reactors et cetera and working them up to be better versions, (then valence came out) just enjoying railjack for it's new style and unique ways of ranking equipment up, but this new system I feel we will not be able to rank up because of a lack of Forma and creating it like a Warframe means we may get locked into a certain config? at least under the old system once we had everything max'd we could swap and replace Avionics at will.

I'm concerned.


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More Accessible:

While I am happy with the cut back, this seems odd to me as a veteran player. I actually never got any of my railjack specific resources from the core planets: I just went straight to being a team player on someone else’s railjack. And a full railjack inventory export granted players approximately 200 of each resource: enough for my own railjack. As for time required to build the railjack, I actually didn’t play with my own railjack for a very long time since I didn’t have a fully kitted railjack. Instead, I provided Quality of Life support to someone else who had a better railjack than me while I waited to get my tier 3 equipment and avionics. Sidenote related to obtaining the railjack, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that one couldn’t purchase the railjack with platinum, similar to warframes and weapons and whatnot.

Meet the ‘PLEXUS’

The plexus system seems bad. For playing with people who have their own play styles and kits, this seems like a good change. But new players won’t have battle avionics and tactical avionics to contribute to the "big Warframe", and this seems like a nerf overall.

Removing the ability for the host to share their “awesome” battle avionics with a new player doesn’t seem appealing to me. A level zero intrinsics player can join railjack, look in awe at the flashing lights, complete the mission, gain experience to better their effectiveness, and invest that experience into the best role they want to be in railjack. That was me when i first started out. With the new system of “bring your own equipment”, I believe my effectiveness as a new player is now relegated to forward artillery, engineering, or the occasional away team. If the new player were to pilot, the host would have to use the abilities for them at their request, reducing the finesse the pilot has.

Player based tactical avionics also has the same issue, but it’s less critical. For example, Battle Forge helps shred the forge’s cooldown to allow for emergency forging of critical resources, primarily flux energy and dome charges. Since forging doesn't require finesse, the host can just use the ability for them at their request, as long as they are not busy piloting.

Intrinsics 2.0

For intrinsics, addition of necramechs makes sense lore-wise, but the necramechs seem very uninteresting to me at launch since they seem like a meat shield, something I don’t need. They are clunky and highly unappealing on initial release, and because of that I don’t have that much practice with them and have no idea of their max potential.

I do wish that the tactical intrinsics tree translated into normal gameplay. The ability to watch those I am helping through their eyes and help guide them through the level is a great Quality of Life, as I can look around for them without them having to describe their environment. And the ability to teleport to them is great as well, as I can rush to their aid a whole map away.

Command Intrinsic

On the subject of the command tree for intrinsics, I am cautiously optimistic. I have a bad experience playing with multiplayer on a bad network, so my human team is small (usually my local party of +1). To me, price doesn't matter as long as they are qualified and don’t clash with each other, and do their jobs well. Not much is given to us, and I hope that this will help my close team experience feel better.

Matchmaking Changes

For streamlined matchmaking, I am cautiously optimistic. If they remove the ability to start explicitly from my own railjack on the orbiter, I will be sad. I am not sure why people are being told to start from drydock, but I assume it’s because there are no squads to join in public matchmaking. I don’t usually start from drydock anymore since my railjack is fully kitted out, and dojos can be laggy and buggy if I am in a beautifully decorated dojo (no offense to the decorators, but I prefer functionality over beauty, and saving frames is important).

Funnily enough, If I want to head to the dojo, I visit using my railjack. For some reason, I mentally think this is faster. I haven’t measured this: this may be a placebo.

Early Adopters

For early adopters, I am sad that we can’t have that drydock statue for the player as well. Before I was convinced to join a clan, I was in my solo clan built minimally, and had built my own drydock. I have sadly left that clan, and joined a new clan. The effort of building a drydock is tied to a clan, and I don’t get the glory of feeling like I participated, since the moment I leave that clan (even though I didn’t contribute with my current clan), I don’t get to keep a cool statue recognizing my participation.

single smaller space

On the subject of the interior, I am cautiously optimistic. The reduced size will allow players to traverse the railjack faster, and the lowered amount of doors will allow laggy players to focus on their larger domain. Aligning the gun turrets with the pilot’s view sounds great as well, but we miss out on the “capital ship” feel. If this content was expanded, I hope the “capital ship” style flanking guns will come more in handy for the appropriate ship type. Maybe broadside gun combat vs another tanky ship.

Pilots cannot fire their gun while in boosted flight

Removing the ability to fire while sprinting is sad, but I don't think I fire while sprinting anyways. However, the logic to do so is bad.

At its core, the railjack is a dog-fighting vessel, and so the pilot role is the most important, with the control to point the vessel in a direction and shoot critical abilities to wipe out enemies efficiently. However, there are minor roles that play an important part in Quality of Life: gunnery (which I rename to forward artillery) is used to destroy gunships fast (with a 4 second destruction time versus a 15 second destruction time when destroying it from the inside) while engineering is used to provide fast on demand energy and ammo back into the railjack system. The railjack is, conceptually, the "Big Warframe". And right now, as long as people have the intrinsics for that role, the railjack receives life.

Pilots have it all because you really only need one human. Take a look at fighter combat (both in real life and in fictional space) and you would see that fighter vehicles are manned by one person. That one person does all the flying and shooting. They are supposed to have it all (regarding combat).

To fix this, I would probably increase the importance of other roles and simultaneous gameplay, especially since piloting is still going to be the main focus. Currently, there is a lot of waiting around for Points of Interest mission objectives, since each player has their own speed.

Railjack ammo stockpiles are tracked separately per player

I am cautiously optimistic about the individual resource pools. On one hand, a public squad can’t randomly use up all of the railjack's resources… but I hope that the pool is large enough to accommodate someone who is assigned a role. I don’t want to quickly swap people in and out based on the resources they have or don’t have.

And I hope the crafting bug is finally fixed: I sometimes go back to drydock with full ammo, just to loose all my crafting and have to go to some place like Earth to make a quick pitstop before continuing.

Also this:

Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy

On the subject of the energy pool however, I am terrified to see flux energy go. While unification is nice, flux energy was a vital part of gameplay. It was a team resource (before the individual resource pools), and everybody worked to maintain that resource. Requiring 1 single slow ticking Zenurik for the need of battle avionics sounds scary, let alone that we need to bring energy restore pads from out of mission into mission. Where are we going to get energy for normal operation outside of zenurik and energy pad restores? In my opinion, flux energy for battle avionics makes no sense, but I do concede that warframe energy can be used for tactical support (something that probably should be unified into using warframe energy). I hope this energy balance will be satisfying, but I'm terrified.

Railjack Malfunctions/Hazards and Unified Damage Types

With the addition of hazards, I am happy with the new challenge and I look forward to tackling them with mods or just good engineering skills. Unification of damage types is interesting as well, but I honestly just do damage and see stuff die.

Node Changes

As someone who enjoys speed running Gian Point for fun, I am really sad to see this go.

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I knew this would eventually happen, their was an empty space their and I always wondered if something was going to be their. So we have syndicates, conclave, news now railjack config. I wonder if the other places will have something occupied their in the future...

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1 minute ago, 0x62 said:

While I am happy with the cut back, this seems odd to me as a veteran player. I actually never got any of my railjack specific resources from the core planets: I just went straight to being a team player on someone else’s railjack. And a full railjack inventory export granted players approximately 200 of each resource: enough for my own railjack. As for time required to build the railjack, I actually didn’t play with my own railjack for a very long time since I didn’t have a fully kitted railjack. Instead, I provided Quality of Life support to someone else who had a better railjack than me while I waited to get my tier 3 equipment and avionics. Sidenote related to obtaining the railjack, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that one couldn’t purchase the railjack with platinum, similar to warframes and weapons and whatnot.

In other words, you apprenticed with a slew of captains until you could afford your own ship. It's what I did. DE could build on that path, now that Railjacks have been bootstrapped.


On the topic of Necramechs, they're somewhat clunky by design, but with a few Forma invested they become a great tool in your toolkit. They're a pleasure to use against Tusk Thumpers, for example.

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9 minutes ago, __jag__ said:

In other words, you apprenticed with a slew of captains until you could afford your own ship. It's what I did. DE could build on that path, now that Railjacks have been bootstrapped.

I love this interpretation; I wasn't thinking of what it was called when I did it. It was just the path of least resistance, especially with a novel new game mode. I dunno if you can consider mod farming and gun upgrading "afford", since the cost is so low.

But with the introduction of Plexus... I can't use the host's battle avionics/tactical avionics.

9 minutes ago, __jag__ said:

On the topic of Necramechs, they're somewhat clunky by design, but with a few Forma invested they become a great tool in your toolkit. They're a pleasure to use against Tusk Thumpers, for example.

Do they increase Tusk Thumper spawns? I usually just zen slow them and then do big dmg w/o Necramechs.

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3 minutes ago, 0x62 said:

Do they increase Tusk Thumper spawns? I usually just zen slow them and then do big dmg w/o Necramechs.

Nah, but they're immune to the knock-down effect and they pack a punch. Maybe it's a personal preference, but I have more fun with Necramechs than using e.g. Amesha (Warding Grace for slow, and flying to avoid thumps).

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On 2021-03-09 at 4:03 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

We’ve taken this opportunity to streamline Railjack Matchmaking, better following the rules set out in the main game.

Its would be even more streamlined if the railjack nodes appear on the same starchart instead of living on a seperate tab. Repeated nodes on current starchart can also be removed to make space, for example there may be multiple exterminates/ excavation on a planet, only one of each is enough.

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3 hours ago, S1lent3cho said:

Do we really need an aura mod slot in railjack? What does aura even mean for a railjack, it is not like there are multiple railjacks floating about which will share auras. If it is only that you need it to increase capacity for modding, at least use mods which are not critical for standard builds to do so.

It boosts your mod capacity, near as I can tell. Also, if you watch the video - health and armour moved to the new "Hull Plating" slot. That's why Plexus mods which boost those stats got turned into Auras. The Plexus sits on the player and affects the Railjack only when they mount a console, thus health and armour buffs got moved to Railjack equipment and health/armour Plexus mods got turned into map-wide auras which affect the Railajck even when the player isn't on-board.


11 minutes ago, ElKayJae said:

Its would be even more streamlined if the railjack nodes appear on the same starchart instead of living on a seperate tab. Repeated nodes on current starchart can also be removed to make space, for example there may be multiple exterminates/ excavation on a planet, only one of each is enough.

Agreed. If dedicated Archwing missions can appear on the Star Chart, why can't Railjack?

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5 minutes ago, ElKayJae said:

Its would be even more streamlined if the railjack nodes appear on the same starchart instead of living on a seperate tab. Repeated nodes on current starchart can also be removed to make space, for example there may be multiple exterminates/ excavation on a planet, only one of each is enough.

Well most of the time same missions type on the same planet are actually changing the map layout selection ( ground or ship for example and level ) or even factions ( like infestation vs current controlling faction ) but yeah some are really repeating themselves like Eris still has dark sector XD ( i know bonus xp )

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On 2021-03-08 at 3:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

So while Update 29.10.0 comes to PC first, Update 30 will bring all of this and Sevagoth to Consoles at once.

Wait, does this mean that update 29.10 is bundled with update 30 for consoles, and consoles won't get to see a separate update 29.10 and 30?

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