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Blink nerf and railjack archwing gameplay.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)thowed said:

I'll take the cool down to have it and my nuke together.

Here’s the thing, itzal is still the best archwing. Invis on 2 and a vacuum that does good damage on 3, and it’s still the fastest one. This did nothing to change the pecking order of archwings. Itzal is still at the top and elytron is still at the bottom.

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14 minutes ago, Uthael said:

finding out a Prime version exists after

Yeah, that could be a problem. Not just with finding out, but if a prime is introduced at a later date. Then again, Umbra forma aren't necessary for the game, only for some meta builds to be overpowered. They're nice to have, but not essential, and FOMO ruins enjoyment if not reigned in. Scrapping old gear to get the really limited things like an Umbra forma would be ok, but not for regular forma.


19 minutes ago, Uthael said:

For a casual player, having to re-forma is painful, too.

The affinity farm is arguably more painful than the forma, since you can get a few blueprints through relics and use the mobile app to build them all week.

Breaking down old equipment for resources could certainly be implemented, but then you'd need some sort of resource sink in the equipment itself, other than just forma. Things like using endo to permanently increase a weapon's damage instead of using Serration. Make the gear a real investment.

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My two cents on this change:

Its pretty good, that weird inertia is finally gone. But it really, really needs some acceleration and inertia still. Right now it feels like using noclip rather than actual flight, especially on titania. After the change she is a pain to control with razorwing blitz as you can no longer do quick presses to move slowly since its either no speed or full speed.

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15 hours ago, 8faiNt said:

It would be very clunky if the charges arent recharged individually cuz like, if you have 4 charges and use 3 of them because you still have 1 extra charge waiting for you, there will be a pointless waiting time to recharge all 4 next time you use the left over blink

That's a good point. So it would make more sense that you'd still be allowed to use charges simultaneously without a cooldown and there would be a universal cooldown once the charges are depleted which would also apply to fill the individual charge meter.


Edited by White_Matter
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40 minutes ago, GruntBlender said:

The affinity farm is arguably more painful than the forma, since you can get a few blueprints through relics and use the mobile app to build them all week.

Personally, I find opening relics take much longer than leveling up stuff. For gear, I go support an ESO run. For a frame, Just do the non-elite version with an OP weapon or get an Equinox to drag you through Adaro a few times.
For a casual player though, Orokin Cells could be more limiting than the relics themselves because they don't get enough playtime to get enough of them on accidental runs.

40 minutes ago, GruntBlender said:

Breaking down old equipment for resources could certainly be implemented, but then you'd need some sort of resource sink in the equipment itself, other than just forma. Things like using endo to permanently increase a weapon's damage instead of using Serration. Make the gear a real investment.

That could fix the problem with Kuva weapons! Ideas like this one is what I'm asking for.
It won't help players who leave the game because their hard-earned builds got nerfed into oblivion. Get that... The game is still enjoyable, but it just clicks the "restart" button for you. It feels like getting your account banned because a new update came out. Very unfair! It would be good to have some mechanics to fall back to.

To hell with Itzal and those 2-3 formas I have on it! I'm afraid that moment will come for my playstyles, too and I wouldn't like to quit another game because of a new overhaul patch in it. It IS a time investment, afterall.

Edited by Uthael
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Setting aside the new dodgy nonsense (RIP actual archwing blink)...  I find the new control scheme to be more comfortable and useful, but less fun.  I miss the loop-de-loops and barrel rolls and such.  It'd be nice if they could work out some way that we could have both.

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I also don't like the control scheme for this new dodgy business.  If you tap shift one microsecond too early, it deactivates your afterburners instead of giving you a burst of speed.  That just feels lousy.  Afterburner toggle and dodge should have a different command.

Also dodge in its current form just gets you across the map in like 25% to 50% less time.  I'd rather they just make archwings faster, and not task me with this boring monotonous button timing and meter minding thing to have do on my commute.

But overall this feels like going from a hypersonic scram jet to a crop duster.  Old blink was EXTREMELY fun.  This is just lame.

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7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

I feel like you're misunderstanding. I've only been making suggestions for afterburner-- NOT the dodge/backflip/blink/etc functionality. Those should remain bound to the Dodge key (tapping "Shift" by default), as they always have been.

Right now, pressing down+up (ctrl+space) while on foot produces a Bullet Jump.
I would like pressing down+up (ctrl+space) while in AW to produce an Afterburner.

But afterburner is already super simple, its forward+sprint. Sprint on its own moves you forward and the issue is only in that if you have another input for up-down left-right that direction doesnt override the direction by at least some 50~70~ degrees

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7 hours ago, Zarokka said:

A thing that is bad about that change is that you have to release sprint -> loosing momentum -> tab sprint for the blink -> hold sprint again, this is not fluid and clunky.

A different button for the blink would be good, maybe tab on Jump or Crouch

You dont need to release sprint to use/press dodge.

Edited by Andele3025
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The new controls are much better for fighting and precise movement, but the ability to orientate in any direction will be missed. How about making both possible?

During sprinting, the orientation could be changeable as before. When you end sprinting, your perspective would be locked but stay the same - airwing worked similar before, except it would always lock the perspective to default (up is up, always).

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I don't play Archwing a lot, but the new movement and the quicker stops feels much nicer compared to what we had. Pleasantly surprised, since it didn't seem they were very heavily advertised compared to the Blink changes.

That said, the Blink ability feels borderline useless in regular missions just for how much distance it travels. I was having difficulty finding an area large enough on Salacia, Neptune where I could blink and not end up smacking into a wall. Maybe that makes it good for open world maps, but couldn't halving the distance and cooldown (for example) be just as effective there yet leave it a bit more usable, controllable, and responsive in other conditions? It'd also make it feel snappier, what with fewer "press button for nothing" timing issues.

Just a thought.

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One thing I hate about the new system is I can't move down and move forward without flying straight down, I would use the archwings to survey the land as I flew over, not I can only do that if I'm strafing. As a combat system sure it works, as a travel and survey system it feels like S#&$. Doesn't help that even tho space and shift are bound to go up and down they don't do jack, Only way I can go up is look up, and only way to go down is look down, feels horrible.

Edit: Turns out the reason I couldn't go up or down is because when you equip the tranquilizer rifle it breaks moving up and down with jump and duck. That's weird. With that nuisance of a bug out of the way I like the new system. Ya'll should check out that bug when you get the chance.

Edited by GentlePuppet
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16 hours ago, Taiepii said:

Can we just talk about Archwing in general and not just Itzal ? 
Archwing new physic is too casual  to be enjoyable. How come they dont drift after we drop hand of the control ? Stupid



6 hours ago, Aesthier said:

I for one absolutely hate the new changes to archwing. I loved the floating of forward momentum of old. I don't know what has been going on recently but ever sine the melee update these changes seem to be less of new and exiting forward changes and more of backwards steps that are nothing but mistakes after mistakes.  I know DE has a vision that they are taking small steps towards and I really hope all these changes eventually play into that long term goal with real continuity. However for me it is becoming apparent with every new patch that their end vision is not a game I will enjoy or play.

I enjoyed warframe yet every patch they are removing the things that made the individual pieces of equipment cool to play with and normalizing all the individual traits into a normalized piece of sludge. "We think this weapon, frame, archwing, pet, has to much use so instead of adjusting the other items that don't we will just nerf every single trait that makes things different until all items function the exact same way but just have different looks."


That is not a game I look forward to spending my time in.


Yeah, these two quotes tell it. This was one of the first things I noticed was the removal of the Experimental Flight controls, and how there was no more drift when you let off movement. No challenge at all to fly archwing now. I really really liked the experimental flight feature. Archwing controls have been greatly dumbed down now. I guess too many simpletons were complaining about drifting into walls and dying from not being able to control their archwing... Master the controls and you won't have issues. The experimental flight controls is what actually made arching fun for me! Being able to barrel roll, spin upside down, and move pretty freely was a lot of fun! The way archwings control now are a joke, and take ALL the fun and challenge out of mastering true archwing control. Fly here, stop. Fly here, stop. No challenge, you don't have to control anything. I was like, "No more archwing fun." I feel Warframe has been "dumbed down" to be more "accessible" for the masses the last few updates, instead of for the people who actually play and enjoy this game. My enjoyment and enthusiasm for this game has gone down with each update this past year. The Melee and Archwing control update has felt like a step backwards in limiting movement and options that we use to have as well.  

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im just going to be blunt about this, this change is trash, and you need to know its trash. i want to get from A to B, fast i use an AW, and a blink. if im going to be sat spamming shift to dodge it forward on a CD, im just going to get pissed... infact im on stream now, and stopped to post this because im pissed.

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6 hours ago, Aesthier said:

I for one absolutely hate the new changes to archwing. I loved the floating of forward momentum of old. I don't know what has been going on recently but ever sine the melee update these changes seem to be less of new and exiting forward changes and more of backwards steps that are nothing but mistakes after mistakes.  I know DE has a vision that they are taking small steps towards and I really hope all these changes eventually play into that long term goal with real continuity. However for me it is becoming apparent with every new patch that their end vision is not a game I will enjoy or play.

I enjoyed warframe yet every patch they are removing the things that made the individual pieces of equipment cool to play with and normalizing all the individual traits into a normalized piece of sludge. "We think this weapon, frame, archwing, pet, has to much use so instead of adjusting the other items that don't we will just nerf every single trait that makes things different until all items function the exact same way but just have different looks."


That is not a game I look forward to spending my time in.


I felt like I was reading my own words... sadly. DE stop mucking up this game so many love you muckers! 

Edited by (PS4)silvia95guy
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Strange... Gauss came out recently and it got pretty popular to do several mission types with it (any without the darn timer). No nerfs to Gauss since.

Speed is fun. And iirc, this game is meant to make the player feel empowered.

Replace Itzal's 1 with Gauss'? Heck, or even Volt's 2, so we can boost allies!

Nova's 3? Some people might prefer other AWs and actually use them if the Itzal in the group leaves the path of speed for others to use.

Either way, please remove the requirement to latch onto an object and give us the speed back!

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New controls are crap, Itzal lost blink in exchange for the single worst ability in the game and you ruined Titania's razorwing, congratulations!

Now revert this crap and start again!

In open world maps we can't even loop or do any interesting maneuver, at the top of the loop we are blocked facing the ceiling! aiming and direction of flight linked otgether also is a huge step back.

Did no one notice that archwings are tied to the waist of the frame to leave unimpeded movement of the torso to bear weapons on target in any direction relative to flight vector?

What's with this halfbacked change now?!

Edited by Ikusias
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I just did 5x3 right now with new itzal, and i was chroma.

Force spawm vombs like everyday, land with chroma, kill the lure chroma, use your itzal 3º, kill vombs, go to eidolon

You will be a bit late but still viable for 5x3, for 6x3 i dont know

But yes i think blink need less cooldown, just to make a bit more comfortable the gameplay

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I'm loving the archwing changes right now, especially the new Itzal ability.

I would suggest a few changes though.

  • make the ripline more visible so we can tell when it disconnects
  • possibly let us reactivate ability to force disconnect
  • increase range for ground attach. I don't think it needs longer enemy attach range, but I don't know if that distinction is a big deal.

Overall though, I love the speed you can gain, and if feels way more enjoyable then pointing the crosshair and spamming 1 until you are there, or waiting for energy to regen.

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