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Cross Save / Cross Play / Cross Platform / Cross Progress / Account Transfer / Account Migration Megathread


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i have a good 700 or so hrs in this game on ps4 and want to get back on it to grind again you know, but i switched to pc and i do not have the motivation to put 700 more hrs and 12k+ plat into the game and start a new. Will they the devs ever offer to transfer your progress over to pc? If not, why wont they do that? otherwise i might just have to let go of this game for good..... :(


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There is a lot of talk about this topic around this very forum and others and the unfortunate answer is NO. The reason why isn't really understood but it looks like in the past they allowed transfer from console to PC and vice versa. They have said they might do it in the future again whether it is temporary or permanent I don't know. Here are some of those posts if you would like to read more. 




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It's not going to happen, but it's not entirely on DE's end. Consoles tend to be far more locked down, with Playstation being a particularly heavy example. When Warframe first released on consoles, there was a PC to Console migration event, but that's as far as migration has ever gone.

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18 minutes ago, Japheth said:

There is a lot of talk about this topic around this very forum and others and the unfortunate answer is NO. The reason why isn't really understood but it looks like in the past they allowed transfer from console to PC and vice versa. They have said they might do it in the future again whether it is temporary or permanent I don't know. Here are some of those posts if you would like to read more. 




I don't remember them ever offering console to PC transfers.  The only transfers ever offered were migration from PC to a console, only one time per console right when the specific console version launched, for a very limited time and never reappeared.

Console to PC has never happened.  DE has mentioned in the past they'd like to do unified accounts if possible, but so far that's looking very unlikely.  There are some technical issues apparently, likely related to mismatched versions, but the main issue is going to be legal and economic.  They could only ever make it possible with the console manufacturer's blessing and assistance - and the console manufacturers would really rather you stayed - and spent your money - on their platform.

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40 minutes ago, (PSN)CuRE_cAnCeRe said:

Will they the devs ever offer to transfer your progress over to pc? If not, why wont they do that?

Will they ever? Who knows. Why not? A multitude of issues stand in the way such as market differences for example. This question along with cross-save being a feature is constantly asked on this forum and no one here is in a position to offer you any real answer. You'll have to hope and wait for an official announcement. 

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On 2021-01-13 at 6:15 AM, KORYMACK said:

It is so simple though.  Why doesn't DE just make it so the platform earned on one platform stays there?  I spent easily 500 hours on ps4 playing this game when I was active duty.  I now have a awesome PC that I want to play Warframe on, but i spent so much time grinding.  Also,  if you earned something on ps4 two years ago, just make it unsellable on PC and vice versa.  It is so simple in my opinion and sad because I miss playing this game, but I am not doing all of that work again. It gets old quick and I want to enjoy my stuff with better graphics and higher fps.  

It's not simple though. DE would first be able to update all platforms simultaneously, which due to the Certification process, is unlikely to be able to be done consistently. Additionally, the platform owners would have to all agree, a rarity, even today.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)CuRE_cAnCeRe said:

If not, why wont they do that?

Multitudes of reasons that have been explained over and over again along the history of this forum.

People here have repeatedly wrote long essays explaining why, so please pardon us if we sound a little... sarcastic, at times. 

If you're interested to learn why, you can search for another threads like this. There should be hundreds of them.


Suck to see you go... But goodbye, tenno.

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On 2021-03-24 at 4:02 AM, ZokuGojira said:

I just recently started over on PC, and was surprised how quickly I was back up to speed. Granted, I'm not doing sorties yet. But there were few enough patterns of those that I regarded as being worth the trouble. And apart from that, my routine when I log into Warframe at MR8 looks remarkably similar to what I was doing on any given evening on PS4 at MR25.

If I do eventually find myself missing some of the stuff I left behind on console, I'll pay it a visit. But most of it hasn't been taken down off the wall, metaphorically speaking, and used on a mission in ages. Even though I played regularly on that version up until a few weeks ago.

On the cosmetic side, I might re-buy some Tennogen stuff. Not so much the attachments, which I bought for specific sentinels and warframes that have kinda been replaced in my starting lineup of favorites. And I've been taking the opportunity to better curate the color palettes in my collection. Basically, just because it's one credit for a limited time doesn't mean it's getting in the door. This is because I click random a lot, since I kind of suck at inventing a new color scheme from scratch without some inspiration And I like loading it up disproportionately with subdued, tasteful hues to stack the deck a little in favor of something stylish but still warlike in demeanor. As opposed to swiping left on variation after variation of ketchup & mustard.

plz do not nekros a topic that is already a year old.

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your gonna love this, i know i do.

warframe in their devstream, i think devstream 153 but maybe 152. they did say that they are about to make the game cross platform. i do not know if you can move your accounts between platforms. i do know that they will also start releasing pc and console updates ate the same time too.

this is going to start with the next big update, so like, less than two months.

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Il y a 3 heures, zombi3h3art a dit :

your gonna love this, i know i do.

warframe in their devstream, i think devstream 153 but maybe 152. they did say that they are about to make the game cross platform. i do not know if you can move your accounts between platforms. i do know that they will also start releasing pc and console updates ate the same time too.

this is going to start with the next big update, so like, less than two months.

Did they really say anything like that tho ?

All I remember is that they'd release update 30 at the same time for all platforms to spare console players from spoilers, but nothing more.

I may have missed it, but I figured that if DE ever took official engagements toward this, it would be absolute chaos here in the forums XD

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8 hours ago, zombi3h3art said:

your gonna love this, i know i do.

warframe in their devstream, i think devstream 153 but maybe 152. they did say that they are about to make the game cross platform. i do not know if you can move your accounts between platforms. i do know that they will also start releasing pc and console updates ate the same time too.

this is going to start with the next big update, so like, less than two months.

I'm gonna need a timestamp on that. I watch both of those devstreams and do not recall them ever committing to any form of cross platform. Only that they are still looking into it. I will admit its possible I either wasn't paying attention when they stated or maybe I misheard.

DE has dropped several updates simultaneously across all platforms, though I don't think any as big as update 30 is looking to be. Nor do I recall DE saying that moving forward all updates will drop on all platforms at the same time. 

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6 hours ago, Fallen77 said:

Did they really say anything like that tho ?

All I remember is that they'd release update 30 at the same time for all platforms to spare console players from spoilers, but nothing more.

I may have missed it, but I figured that if DE ever took official engagements toward this, it would be absolute chaos here in the forums XD

True, I was surprised that I heard them saying they would start releasing the updates at the same time for consoles / PC. I'm not about to go rewatch the devstreams for the timestamp. I would have thought more consoles players would be hyped about it. Thats what I thought I had heard from the devstream anyways.

They mentions it around the same time they had mentioned the estimated release date of the next update and that there was something expected to be something happening around update 30.5 with like the main quest mission maybe?

I hope you consoles players get to be on the same servers as PC too. The game is just continuing to get bigger and its becoming a little harder to find groups on niche missions, but the player base is still growing too according to steamcharts.

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1 minute ago, Tachankathegreat said:

Last time I checked in was super early 2020, havent played much since I got my pc in 2019. Anyone know if there's been any recent updates on cross save at all? Or has it fallen into development hell?

To be in Dev hell it has to be already in works. They never said nor implied that they were working on it. They want it, they talk about it, but it's up to each platform (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) since the money they get from the purchases on consoles is money that goes to their pockets and also to the hosting of the game in their servers.

It would be wonderful if the mods did a closed pinned thread with all this information instead just dending this threads to off topic, closing it without any warn or just deleting them.

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Sorry too, unfortunately most people are fed up with the question since it was asked too many times. Short answer is until green boy, blue boy and red boy don't agree with each other then it won't happen

gotcha, most of the info I found online was from 2019 and I wasn't about to watch 100 devstreams for a sentence pertaining to the matter. Thanks for the help

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9 minutes ago, Tachankathegreat said:


We're sorry as well. Most people here have wrote long essays explaining the reasons why it'll probably never happen, multiple times. Cuz for some reason so many people never got the memo and keep asking.

At some point everybody just got fed up of explaining. You can search for threads from when people was still have their patience, if you want to know the technical reasons why cross-whatever is not possible.

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For more information: look in this thread:

Or in one of the few other threads you can find all over the forum:

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