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Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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1 minute ago, Jeancly said:

Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3


Can we change this to intrinsics ? something like all intrinsics at least at level 6 or so ? because wreckage is really: 1) not something you can keep count of 2) not indicative of your level ( i have all the best gear but just crafted that and not spent anything on tier 1 and 2 


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7 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


hello @[DE]Rebecca !! you did not answered yet if people who have extra point and had surpassed the intrinsic points limit before it was imposed to limit farming will be able to keep their extra point once the reset happens. could we please have an answer? people have grinded hard to get these extra points exactly for when Command would happen.

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6 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This answer serves one purpose: to let you know what we are reviewing this right now, and we will provide details on any plan revisions when they are final. 

This is great news. Please, also consider using the test server to gather hands-on feedback before release! 

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I currently have a maxed out ship.  Everything is completely maxed out.  Swapping from a grid that used Dirac to upgrade slots to the tedious, grindy, non-modular, unforgiving Forma system not only absolutely sucks for RJ/plexiwhatever/harness modularity, but it means I now get to not only do that grind back over to get my avionics back to where they currently are, but I have to do it spending Forma, re-leveling over and over and over when you already made the intrinsics grind a massive pain that I've also already slogged through, and I lose all modularity since the Forma system locks you into a build.

This is an absolutely awful change.  The RJ grid wasn't great but it was 100% a step in the right direction.  You have all these mentions of less grind highlighted throughout the workshop post but you're literally increasing grind and player cost by utilizing the polarity system with forma.  Absolutely hate it. 

And before someone comes in with the "But the early adopter bundles!"

The requirements are nebulous in that:

  1. There is no surefire way to know how many wreckages you've repaired unless you've kept them all or have a perfect memory
  2. There is no clarification on exactly what counts.  Does Valence fusing count?  Do the crafted Sigma weapons count?  I can guarantee that I don't have 30 wreckages repaired despite a lot of RJ playtime and having everything completely maxed out.  I'm going to have to waste a bunch of resources just building random crap, and probably have to spend plat to claim it all if I want to get the bundle that I should be getting based on playtime and grind completed.
  3. There isn't even clarification on if you have to have 30 repaired in your inventory with 30 component slots or if it's just an overall thing.

I also just don't care about some bundle.  I want my damn progress to stay where I have it.  I despise having progress completely wiped and having to redo a grind that I've already finished.  Keep your damn boosters and Umbra Forma.  Give me a bunch of Instant-Forma to put my grid back where I already have it without having to sit in whatever RJ Hydron we have left after you remove Gian Point.

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Those updates and clarifications are nice I suppose, but I note a conspicuous absence of addressing whether the Plexus needs Forma. 
In the absence of any address to that fact, I'm taking your silence on that point as a "We know nobody will like having to buy/farm more Forma, so we're going to hide it as long as we possibly can instead of addressing it, because we're sure as heck not removing it" 
I'm sorry if I'm being cynical, but... between Kuva Weapons, Necramechs, and I'll presume Queenpin weapons all being Rank 40 5-forma-eaters, it seems like you're just shovelling in more and more Forma sinks for the sake of selling more Forma. Please stop. I know you won't, but please stop it. Having to go through all the Kuva Weapons + Max Ranking both Necramechs 5 times each was a huge burning out buzzkill and felt more like you were trying to bully me into buying Forma than anything else.

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6 minutes ago, mikakor said:

hello @[DE]Rebecca !! you did not answered yet if people who have extra point and had surpassed the intrinsic points limit before it was imposed to limit farming will be able to keep their extra point once the reset happens. could we please have an answer? people have grinded hard to get these extra points exactly for when Command would happen.

I too am in this boat. Farmed all intrinsics needed to rank Command to 10 right off the bat assuming it cost the same amount as the other intrinsics. 

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19 минут назад, [DE]Rebecca сказал:

- Change: On launch Competency Points will be earned through Intrinsic Ranks. You get one point at Rank 2, 4, 5, and 6. In later updates we will include Affinity gain for Crew Members, but for initial implementation Intrinsic Ranks will be the way to earn Competency Points. 

do we get points for leveling command intrinsic only, or we get points from all kinds of intrinsics, like piloting?

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As mechs are coming to RJ missions any plans to make good on them being able to use melee any time soon. Also can you give mechs a jetpack please maybe even let us use them in archwing missions and space that would be pretty nice.

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So I still play railjack even though I have maxed out my intrinsics. I had to buy extra inventory space so I know I have crafted 17 items from wreckage and I was keeping the broken wreckage around the maximum of 30 because I might want to try some of the other weapons. I feel like I probably qualify for the 3 tiers of early adoption rewards.

But they are a bit disappointing, its all resources that I already have, I even have a spare legendary core already that I do not know where to use. I was really hoping for some limited time cosmetic items like from the hostile mergers or buried debts events. Something so that as soon as people joined my ship they would know I have been using it for a while.


TLDR; it would have been cool only the early adopters had access to the current default RJ skin, anybody accessing after now has a different default skin. Rewarding us with resources and affinity boosts actually makes it less likely I would play this game mode.

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Intrinsics should be incorporated into the Early Adopter requirement for Tiers 1 2 and 3. Tier 1 should require atleast rank 3 in all Intrinsics, Rank 2 should require atleast Rank 5 in all Intrinsics, and Tier 3 should require atleast Rank 8 in all Intrinsics (9 is the halfway point, so I feel level 8 or 9 across the board is fair for this tier).

I really like the quick adaptation of the requirements, but they should be more tuned to represent "early adopters" rather than something almost anyone can do right after this announcement comes out.

Thank you as always for this compensation though. It feels really good that you guys recognize the investment put in before changes. All in all, this will be a good update!

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48 minutes ago, cliffghost said:

You're the first player I've heard that from.

Because there's still an unsolved problem in the equation:

Afaik you need 1023 intrinsic points to get at rank 10: (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512 = 1023, not 1024).

So you will have a surplus intrinsic point left. Weird. 🥴

I stopped at 1024 lol, i could have gotten more but there was no need I'm sitting at every intrinsic rank 10 and still got 1024 surplus.

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On 2021-03-08 at 12:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

What about Lavos / Hildryn, and why Warframe energy - seems scary!
Firstly, Lavos and Hildryn are all up and running with cool downs and Shield-as-energy on Railjack, respectively. Secondly - yeah, it is scary! It’s a big change, and the Warframe Energy economy is a much different world than Flux. There have been some seriously great responses to this part of the Dev Workshop, and when we caveated everything in the workshop with ‘expect changes’, we had it in the back of our minds that this part would be most at risk for thrash. This answer serves one purpose: to let you know what we are reviewing this right now, and we will provide details on any plan revisions when they are final. 

Hildryn as Top Tier railjack frame confirmed.

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

I currently have a maxed out ship.  Everything is completely maxed out.  Swapping from a grid that used Dirac to upgrade slots to the tedious, grindy, non-modular, unforgiving Forma system not only absolutely sucks for RJ/plexiwhatever/harness modularity, but it means I now get to not only do that grind back over to get my avionics back to where they currently are, but I have to do it spending Forma, re-leveling over and over and over when you already made the intrinsics grind a massive pain that I've also already slogged through, and I lose all modularity since the Forma system locks you into a build.


They could solve the Forma cost by giving us a Forma for each maxed grid slot. They could even solve the time aspect by giving us special Formas that instantly max rank our Plexus. However, unless they introduce universal polarity Formas (not just for Aura and Stance), being locked into fixed polarities is a step back in terms of modding freedom.

I'm hoping though that it's like 95% of my Warframes and weapons: most of the time I can still fit 3 builds in, though I might have to throw in a few extra Forma to get there.

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13 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Early adopter tiers-okay with this its a lot better and easier to understand now.

Warframe energy-you say Lavos and hildyrn are accounted for yet you just end this with another question unanswered about why warframe energy is even needed and is still being implemented. For being such a big update this is just ???? And the plexus isn't even addressed here so are we supposed to just assume you don't see our questions on it?

Necramechs in missions-so why not just make another dev workshop that focuses specifically on mechs and archwing? Its a little confusing why they are being tethered to RJ while at the same time being compared to RJ in terms of being "core content".

Crew-Just last minute details here. Didn't need to be included here just acting as filler space I assume.

Orphix-Now confirmed RNG drops. Let us see the drop rates and rotation details then. I do want to earn arcane energize/grace and other sought after arcanes be through a 20 minute mission and still somehow retain a less than 10% drop rate chance like other "scare" items in the game(shell shock, high voltage, necramech parts etc.) Maybe if it was like arbitrations or disruptions where you get C after 20 minutes or something like that I might consider it but not in its current iteration if its to follow orphix venom of A A B C repeating every 20 minutes. After all it requires at least 11 of a single arcane drop to be useful which needs to be kept in mind. The phasic cells design was miles better than having sub 10% drop rate chances normalized and what I think should have been moved forward with.

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On 2021-03-08 at 12:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

- Change: On launch Competency Points will be earned through Intrinsic Ranks. You get one point at Rank 2, 4, 5, and 6. In later updates we will include Affinity gain for Crew Members, but for initial implementation Intrinsic Ranks will be the way to earn Competency Points. 

This is really not a great way to introduce this... so at launch it is going to be far easier to gain competency points than someday in the future? I'm not sure I am reading this right...

Are the +4 competency points gained through intrinsics the intended cap that will be swapped for affinity gains at a later date or are the +4 from intrinsics the baseline for future gains (to an unknown maximum)?

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11 minutes ago, Raskalnickoff said:

I was really hoping for some limited time cosmetic items like from the hostile mergers or buried debts events. Something so that as soon as people joined my ship they would know I have been using it for a while.

As someone mentioned earlier, an exclusive RJ skin would be nice, or (my suggestion) a plaque inside the ship or some sort of marking on the outside.

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New tier scheme is good.


Getting competency only in very limited amount (I mean, 4 points total? Really?) doesn't sound good, TBH, combined with the way crew is randomly generated, competency may end up in the "too valuable to use" pile, together with umbra formas. There would always be "But what if Ticker rolls this absolutely awesome crew you'd want to upgrade later?" factor every time you spend one...

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On 2021-03-08 at 12:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


 This is an FAQ Follow Up to our Dev Workshop:

What about these Early Adopter Tiers?

Tenno - this is the hottest question, and we are seriously reviewing the Wreckage schema to make it more user friendly to know what you are eligible for at a glance vs. having to remember what you’ve built, Valence Transferred, Scrapped, etc. We are changing this, as seen here. All original posts will be edited to reflect this: 

Tier 1:
-4 Avionic Grid Slots Maxed+ 1 Wreckage Built

Tier 2:
-7 Avionic Grid Slots Maxed + 3 Wreckage Built

Tier 3:
-Full Avionic Grid Maxed+ 6 Wreckage Built (i.e all Slots have something you’ve made).

These changes were made to give the players instant recognition of what they are eligible for,  and the tiers are a bit more generous. 
If you are going on a crafting frenzy in the meantime, as you wait 12 hours between repairs, remember that Railjack Components and Armaments are unique in that you can break them down to regain a generous amount of the Resources it required to build them. 

What about Lavos / Hildryn, and why Warframe energy - seems scary!
Firstly, Lavos and Hildryn are all up and running with cool downs and Shield-as-energy on Railjack, respectively. Secondly - yeah, it is scary! It’s a big change, and the Warframe Energy economy is a much different world than Flux. There have been some seriously great responses to this part of the Dev Workshop, and when we caveated everything in the workshop with ‘expect changes’, we had it in the back of our minds that this part would be most at risk for thrash. This answer serves one purpose: to let you know what we are reviewing this right now, and we will provide details on any plan revisions when they are final. 

You mentioned Necramechs in all missions, why just Railjack missions in this update?
We have Railjack missions set up in such a way that Necramechs are compatible in virtually all environments (hence Orphix coming back, etc). We still aim to deliver on our goal of game-wide Necramechs in a future update. In order to make sure this new feature doesn’t cause major issues, we need more time to test Father’s Old War toys before we fully let them loose! 

Crew - Affinity? Competencies? How do those work?
We have some minor changes here - as this is a new feature, it’s not really a change to anything you’ve experienced, but we wanted to clarify how this works. 
Crew Member Competency Points change: 
- Current workshop: “Crewmates will gain Affinity like you’re used to, which can be spent to increase aptitude in certain roles as ‘Competency Points’. 
- Change: On launch Competency Points will be earned through Intrinsic Ranks. You get one point at Rank 2, 4, 5, and 6. In later updates we will include Affinity gain for Crew Members, but for initial implementation Intrinsic Ranks will be the way to earn Competency Points. 

Is the Orphix Venom vendor also coming back?

No, Arcanes will be within the Orphix mission rotations themselves in new Reward Tables. 

Good. This is good. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with a solution for the Elemental Alchemist and Shield Mom frames. Hopefully we'll still be able to utilize our infinite energies but have a cap on it so Lavos and Hildryn don't get too oh path in RJ. Also, good to know you're still delivering on the Necramechs being available in all missions. We'll sure test 'em out in the Orphix and all the other modes on Railjack for you guys! Me especially, as i'm eager to have my HQ deploy my only 2 (lol) necramechs in RJ missions. Looking forward to this!

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