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Why I'm not playing WF (at least currently)


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8 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

And what do other games do for "long-term content" if not the same unending grind for best gear drop but at higher level? And define "actually play".

Competitive play, challenge, social systems and social play, and constructive content for a start. Is this even a real question?

And by "actually play" I mean, idk, paying attention to what's happening on the screen? Being present? Thinking?

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10 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I would argue on a certain level those people did find the gameplay interesting up until now or they wouldn't have stuck around long enough to fill out that whole checklist.

Because it is a TON of items.

They are just bored with all the different things to do in game, because they have done them so many times in order to fill out that checklist.

The problem with filling out a checklist is that no matter how long the checklist is, it will inevitably run out.

For a great example, DE's spent, what, the last year of development at least on the new update? And it's gonna be a 3-5 hour non-replayable quest people will start on Wednesday and finish on Wednesday. Even if it's the best cinematic storytelling ever seen in gaming ever, it's still finite content we're gonna consume far faster than DE can develop. After the quest is over maybe you'll grind the new frame and weapons to check off your checklist and you'll be done with that in a week too. Even if you barely play and only for an hour a day on weekends you'll still be done in a month. Or maybe even two. But it'll still be another half a year or more until DE can come up with the next piece of the checklist.

Grind and item collection is no substitute for gameplay. Gameplay which Warframe does have in bits an pieces, sure, but all of the good things the game does end up buried below a heap of imbalance and inconsistency and irrelevance. The game's single biggest asset, it's movement system, is only actually used to run past and ignore the enemies that matter about as much as the color of paint on the walls.

10 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I could write out a huge list of interesting gameplay in Warframe, that I am not yet bored with. And more new types of things are added every update, to the horror of those who aren't yet MR30, who think content is continuing to get overly long in the tooth with new stuff added for the bored vets (like necramechs nobody asked for). 

If you're not bored of Warframe yet, great! Good for you. But that doesn't mean for a second that other people aren't. OP brings up several valid, long-standing criticisms of the game and no amount of not playing is going to solve them.

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23 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:


If you're not bored of Warframe yet, great! Good for you. But that doesn't mean for a second that other people aren't. OP brings up several valid, long-standing criticisms of the game and no amount of not playing is going to solve them.

At what point do "long standing criticisms of the game" just be the game that your playing? 

If you only feel this way after 1000s of hours, then maybe the problem isn't the game but the player. 

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17 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

To be honest, I stopped playing sorties very long ago... they do feel like a waste of time unless its a real quick one.

That is dissappointing. I thought one of your original complaints was that the missions were too short/too easy?

14 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Man speak for yourself, I ain’t afraid of failure, I literally go seeking situations where failure is present unless I do something about it in the mission.

This is me and I totally agree with you.

I test my builds in missions, not Simulacrum. I forma weapons and take them straight into normal missions and the sortie, not Hydron. I don't try to "gimp myself" but I try to play with whatever I have on hand, because it's fun─even if I occationally lose.

For normal missions, coming armed to the teeth is boring. For Orphix (and other tough endurance) endless missions, armed to the teeth is necessary.


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I disagree with most of your points i like the way warframe is now and enjoy it and challenge is not the reason i have fun and i really like the operator, nercromech and railjack gameplay i think those fit really good with warframe and was a nice addition to the game i really enjoy all of that.


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6 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

That is dissappointing. I thought one of your original complaints was that the missions were too short/too easy?

Yes, sorties are easier than steel path missions, so I pretty much stopped doing them entirely since it's introduction.

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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

Competitive play, challenge, social systems and social play, and constructive content for a start. Is this even a real question?

And by "actually play" I mean, idk, paying attention to what's happening on the screen? Being present? Thinking?

What games have those in a meaningful way outside of PvP centered or role-based games? When is the last time you honestly played a arpg or looter shooter with competative or challenging gameplay? Plus, what is "constructive content"?

29 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If you only feel this way after 1000s of hours, then maybe the problem isn't the game but the player. 

Exactly. If you manage to get to "veteran" hours in a game, it cant really have many issues, cos why would someone torture themselves for that many hours?


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12 hours ago, OneFlyingDog said:

When an employee resigns, s/he is asked to complete an exit survey.

When a player quits or intents to quit, s/he is better off leaving quietly. Can’t help but wonder, are proponents of those who attack those who post exiting remarks from rival companies? Or perhaps hellbent on watching WF die?

Exit interviews are not universal.  I've worked various admin positions over the last decade and never have I received one. 

Instead of offering conspiracy theories, why not ask people why they respond this way?  My time here has shown that exit posts thrown into General Discussion are not what they always appear to be and just lead to toxicity.  If someone genuinely wanted to give "exit feedback" on why they're leaving, it'd be in the correct place to start or, are simply people throwing well written tantrums for things not going the way they want. 

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On 2021-12-05 at 8:52 PM, Traumtulpe said:

I like Warframe, and I'd like to play it, yet I have no motivation to do so. And I feel a lot of older players have the same issue.

So what is stopping me? Let me explain:

  • The entire game consists of very short, very simple, very easy missions that I am expected to repeat ad nauseam. ... I really do not understand how you can believe the small selection of spy missions available, for example, would be able to entertain a human being for years without even any randomization.
  • Lack of challenge. I can beat ...
  • Lack of variety. If a new weapon comes out, I ask myself: "Does this proc slash?"...
  • The games main selling point (using a warframe is fun, it feels good) gets it's legs cut off by undercooked and/or bugged game mechanics all the time.

Well, I like Warframe and I still play.

As regards "motivation", that is actually "on you". From a psychological viewpoint. The stuff triggering your motivation might be the game itself, something new, whatever, but the motivation comes from within yourself. If you can't be motivated by anything in the game, you shouldn't play (of course), but expecting DE to serve you some motivation on a platter is silly.

When you have done everything and have everything, the missions are, overall, simple and boringly repeatable. On the other hand, if they are hard and take longer "we the community" scream for better rewards (for the time spent, and so on...). If DE adds better rewards "we the community" scream that the missions are too hard and take too long to farm. And so on. There are two ways to break this cycle: DE could add longer, more challenging and basically unfarmable missions with extra nice random drops and completely disregard the ranting community, or you re-make the current missions on your own to make them different (like by cycling through ALL warframes, weapons, playstyles, pets, strange combos, and even use Residual Arcanes...). The biggest problem with the second option is that the secret spice making this palatable are rivens, since rivens allow you to push weapons past existing mod limitations. Actually, the problem is not so much rivens, but that the amount of rivens you can play around with is limited.

If you bring your best gear, put your warface on and game every mission hard at 150%, it is the same as if you bring your best gear, have your warframe on and play at 150% level when chill-play soccer with your friends. If such a person had any friends, that is. Chill man, if you've beaten the game there is nothing left to prove, to anyone. You can actually play just for fun, not for results. It is still more active and more rewarding than spending time in front of the idiot box (= your tv).

The "lack of variety" argument is not logical. You only accept Slash but even so demand more variety? This limitation is on you, and if you have gotten your mind caught in some idiotic "there can be only META"-psychosis you need to free it first. I recommend getting to know Gas, it is tricky to use but extremely effective when used correctly (there are SP missions I can beat your Slash with Gas with one hand tied behind my back). And you can increase it's effectivity in wondrous ways (Warframe is, after all, a huge sandbox of opportunities).

Despite me not agreeing with you, I am not at all that far away from your position. And the New War just might be the straw (with Warframe being the camel), or it might be a shining ray of hope from the heavens. But regardless, DE should unlimit the current max amount of rivens and instead tie the amount to the number of different weapons in your collection. That way you could have at least one riven for every weapon in order to make your own variety, game content and satisfaction from playing the game.

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23 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:
  • Lack of challenge. I can beat level 9999 steel path mot with 4 dragon keys equipped, and it's pretty boring even. Nothing in a regular mission presents the slightest challenge or threat, unless I use bad equippment. However, warframe is NOT mechanically engaging enough to make using bad equipment fun or challenging, it's just a chore.
  • Lack of variety. If a new weapon comes out, I ask myself: "Does this proc slash?" because if the answer is no, the weapon is useless against armor. 98% damage reduction AFTER stripping 95% of an enemies armor means I have no use at all for things like puncture damage. Sure, I could use a puncture based weapon against low level enemies, but I'm not going to level and invest forma into it, when I have vastly superior equippment. Leveling things in this game is a boring chore, forcing me to do pointless, meaningless, entirely uninteresting missions.

Congrats on being in an infinitesimally small part of the player base with ahigh level of skill. Unfortunately it seems to be coloring your view of how the rest of us approach the game

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22 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

I don't think you understand what I meant. If I was playing the game, I would, for example, want to open relics. However fissure missions are just pathetic, you can't even do them on the steel path. I could clear most of them without any mods at all. Even at high levels, the only "challenge" comes from bypassing armor.

You didn’t read my entire post. Instead your post is contradicting itself and with what you claim you can do. Why do you lie?

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So all I tend to get out of teh OP is that they finished a game and they are mad that a company that makes games does not offer them something they want.

Kind of like getting tired of McDonanlds and asking for Micky-D to server T-Bones because you are tired of burgers.

It really makes no logical sense other than to be taken as an entitles whine, or at best, an Eeyore-like "Harumph".

I mean really, the whole thing says "I have gotten hundreds of hours of entertainment, I did it all, so now why is there not any more, and oh by the way, there are flaws?"

I mean, has the OP ever never had a favorite (flawed) TV show cancelled, a (flawed) shop or service they like no longer available, etc., to learn how to deal with the real world?

This almost constant refrain of 'make it fun for me forever' form people that actually think it's someone else's responsibility to entertain them with these games has, in a word, become sickening to read, as it shows me just how much entitlement now exists in teh gaming community.

So the game no longer if fun for someone ... so what?

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14 hours ago, (PSN)DoctorWho_90250 said:

Players who quietly stop playing and move on don't care about the game. Those who stop playing and still make their voices heard still care about the game.

While true, this is also what many call 'obsessive behavior' and it is not healthy.

It's one thing to want the game and the company to succeed, even if the GaaS is no longer 'fun' to an individual that still 'likes' the game.

It is a whole other thing to do what many of these posters do and show up with a White Paper on how to Fix The World, just because they played a video game to completion and they now think they can run the show, or that their opinion is somehow magical because they can kill level 9999 enemies with ease, when it just means they beat the game and that they need to find fun elsewhere.

Obsession is not Constructive or Healthy.

I have quietly moved on from many games I love and think about to this day, so your statement is not universally true, even if often so.

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

At what point do "long standing criticisms of the game" just be the game that your playing? 

If you only feel this way after 1000s of hours, then maybe the problem isn't the game but the player. 

When nothing is done about them or they get worse? That's probably when they become long-standing. Warframe's always had a problem with challenge. It's always had a problem with endgame. It's always had a problem with variety and meta. You can find topics from 2013 about these.

And is it my fault DE won't put the effort into a better balanced game or design content with some longevity? Of course not. What nonsense.

2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

What games have those in a meaningful way outside of PvP centered or role-based games? When is the last time you honestly played a arpg or looter shooter with competative or challenging gameplay? Plus, what is "constructive content"?

Outside of PvP? Why outside of PvP? Look at the top games on Steam right now:

  1. CS:GO
  2. Dota 2
  3. PUBG
  4. New World
  5. Apex
  6. Rust
  7. TF2
  8. FFXIV
  9. MIR4
  10. GTAV

Notice the trend? Competition is an amazing way to build longevity. Why not Warframe? We've had competitive content, from leaderboards to events to Conclave to Solar Rail Conflicts, all the way back to 2014. DE even called Solar Rail Conflicts the game's endgame when they were first added. While not everyone will like PvP, many will - if it's just given even a minimum of care from the developers. And PvP has the potential to last indefinitely, unlike the kind of one-off quests and item collection DE's been struggling to keep up with for years.

And "constructive content" is just that: content that lets the player construct things. Rust, for example, which is consistently in the top 10 played games on Steam. You build a base, it's your home, you defend it from other players or raid them yourself. Building it gives you a reason to care about it and stick around. It also heavily revolves around community, through your own group and your interactions with others, and obviously competition. It's also just as much a "looter" - if not more - than Warframe. At least in Rust the loot matters. So there's your "looter shooter with competative or challenging gameplay".

Warframe has a little bit of constructive content, too, but only in Ikeaframe and that's kinda it. So why not lift the Armistice and fix the few problems that system had? Let clans and alliances "construct" and defend territory. Why not a revamped PvE Invasions system that's a little more lively and lets the community more actively manage the system? Then maybe you'd have a reason to go back and do that Exterminate mission, because maybe that builds up community control and spawns a new boss node or something. How about an adopt-a-settlement system where clans and individuals an build up and defend their own allied NPC settlements?

There's an endless number of things that could be added to the game that can actually last for more than a weekend at a time. Much of it content the game's already had, just never properly explored or developed.

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7 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

So all I tend to get out of teh OP is that they finished a game and they are mad that a company that makes games does not offer them something they want. […] this is also what many call 'obsessive behavior' and it is not healthy.

How did you get the impression that I was mad at DE or obsessed with the game? Apart from getting the free umbral forma, I haven't even played it in maybe half a year. The new war got me interested again, but I also immediately remembered why I stopped playing, and I wanted to start a discussion on those reasons.

So far responses seem to be either "I agree" or "Don't post your opinion here, it bothers me". I wonder why some of these people, who appear to be living in these forums, are so insecure? I'm open to hear your opinion on why you disagree with me, but it really doesn't seem you do.

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You sound burned out, so I agree with you that not playing Warframe is a good idea.  Like all games, you should play Warframe when it's fun for you, and not play Warframe when it's not fun for you.  Sometimes it's not what you want to do, so it's good that you're feeling that and making some distance for yourself.

As for the bug, my question would be whether it happens in real levels or not, and if so if it causes an issue there.  One of the main melee weapons I use is the Nikana Prime and I've never experienced an issue with that move.  The speed at which they address any bug will be relative to the amount of harm it causes, so if it's not really affecting people, it's going to be low priority, to the point where it may never be fixed.

That being the case, I have another suggestion for you: once you report bugs, know that you've helped towards the possibility that the bug will be fixed, but keep in mind that it may never be fixed.  Sometimes there are just more important bugs, or sometimes certain bugs aren't worth the amount of effort fixing them would cost relative to the benefit the fix provides.  Warframe will always have bugs, because their development pipeline doesn't have the bandwidth to fix them all.  That's probably not going to change, so expecting it to change will simply drive you to frustration.  You can't change Warframe, but you can change the way you engage with it.  I hope this helps, good luck!

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3 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

How did you get the impression that I was mad at DE or obsessed with the game? Apart from getting the free umbral forma, I haven't even played it in maybe half a year. The new war got me interested again, but I also immediately remembered why I stopped playing, and I wanted to start a discussion on those reasons.

So far responses seem to be either "I agree" or "Don't post your opinion here, it bothers me". I wonder why some of these people, who appear to be living in these forums, are so insecure? I'm open to hear your opinion on why you disagree with me, but it really doesn't seem you do.

Ok, so now we are in a semantic discussion, no worries.

What word would you prefer instead of 'mad'?

Upset? Disappoint? Dissatisfied?

Use any of them you like and the result is the same - you beat the game, it no longer, for whatever valid and reasonable reasons, it no longer offers you the joy you desire.

Instead of accepting that reality and moving on to a game that does entertain you, you chose to talk about a game you don't play about why others don't play it, when you could spend that time looking for another game, something to bring you entertainment, you choose to come back and obsess over something you no longer enjoy.

You can like and enjoy the game, or not, that's on you, I have no control over your emotional fabric.

I am in now way saying you 'should' or 'should not' do or not do a thing. Those words imply guilt and desire to control others and I stay far away from that crap.

I am, however, challenging your reasons behind making these statements. Some might say blatantly questioning your motives even.

So, why? What real purpose does it serve to state you no longer play a game, that everything about the game is trivial to you, that there is no longer any joy to be found even after looking? You can already see your negative opening salvo has not produced real discussion, so what was the purpose?

If you really just wanted to talk about teh bug, you could have done just that, but you chose to make the dissertation.

So as always, I just ask, "Why?", even if some people get mad when I do.

All I read was a long version of "I don't play it, it is not fun, please tell me why you don't so we can Eeyore together."

You may not have meant it that way, but that is how it sounds, and from the thread, not just to me.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

As for the bug, my question would be whether it happens in real levels or not, and if so if it causes an issue there.

As I have already mentioned, yes. Melee, outside of melee only mode, is unplayable to me.

12 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

What word would you prefer instead of 'mad'?

Upset? Disappoint? Dissatisfied? [...] I am, however, challenging your reasons behind making these statements. Some might say blatantly questioning your motives even. [...] you chose to make the dissertation.

I'm definitely disappointed, and definitely not mad. Turns out different words mean different things.

This is merely a forum post meant to allow for discussion on something that I had in mind. Calling it a dissertation seems weird - are you trying to misrepresent things, or do you genuinely not understand the meanings of words?

Going to random forum posts and starting to "question the motivation behind them", instead of contributing anything to the topic at all doesn't strike me as a healthy hobby. Maybe play the game instead?

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Zimzala and Ervin attacking and dissecting another set of "Naysayers" called Traumtulpe an PublikDomain. 


When both of you trolls leave people alone. Let them have their opinion. I see Zimzala always going a psychologist shrink on their asses. 

Dudes let them have their opinion ffs. 


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57 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

When nothing is done about them or they get worse? That's probably when they become long-standing. Warframe's always had a problem with challenge. It's always had a problem with endgame. It's always had a problem with variety and meta. You can find topics from 2013 about these.

And is it my fault DE won't put the effort into a better balanced game or design content with some longevity? Of course not. What nonsense.

Outside of PvP? Why outside of PvP? Look at the top games on Steam right now:

  1. CS:GO
  2. Dota 2
  3. PUBG
  4. New World
  5. Apex
  6. Rust
  7. TF2
  8. FFXIV
  9. MIR4
  10. GTAV

Notice the trend? Competition is an amazing way to build longevity. Why not Warframe? We've had competitive content, from leaderboards to events to Conclave to Solar Rail Conflicts, all the way back to 2014. DE even called Solar Rail Conflicts the game's endgame when they were first added. While not everyone will like PvP, many will - if it's just given even a minimum of care from the developers. And PvP has the potential to last indefinitely, unlike the kind of one-off quests and item collection DE's been struggling to keep up with for years.

And "constructive content" is just that: content that lets the player construct things. Rust, for example, which is consistently in the top 10 played games on Steam. You build a base, it's your home, you defend it from other players or raid them yourself. Building it gives you a reason to care about it and stick around. It also heavily revolves around community, through your own group and your interactions with others, and obviously competition. It's also just as much a "looter" - if not more - than Warframe. At least in Rust the loot matters. So there's your "looter shooter with competative or challenging gameplay".

Warframe has a little bit of constructive content, too, but only in Ikeaframe and that's kinda it. So why not lift the Armistice and fix the few problems that system had? Let clans and alliances "construct" and defend territory. Why not a revamped PvE Invasions system that's a little more lively and lets the community more actively manage the system? Then maybe you'd have a reason to go back and do that Exterminate mission, because maybe that builds up community control and spawns a new boss node or something. How about an adopt-a-settlement system where clans and individuals an build up and defend their own allied NPC settlements?

There's an endless number of things that could be added to the game that can actually last for more than a weekend at a time. Much of it content the game's already had, just never properly explored or developed.

FF14 actually has PVP. It's on the side for those who want it, but is not the main focus of course. People do play it as it's just chaotic fights.

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12 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

As I have already mentioned, yes. Melee, outside of melee only mode, is unplayable to me.

I'm definitely disappointed, and definitely not mad. Turns out different words mean different things.

This is merely a forum post meant to allow for discussion on something that I had in mind. Calling it a dissertation seems weird - are you trying to misrepresent things, or do you genuinely not understand the meanings of words?

Going to random forum posts and starting to "question the motivation behind them", instead of contributing anything to the topic at all doesn't strike me as a healthy hobby. Maybe play the game instead?

Would love to play, can't while at work, but I can pop in here to discuss stuff.

I am well aware of my own obsession for understanding peoples motives, nothing new there, I love to have these conversations, makes my day. Has for many years. Well aware it rubs some people the wrong way, that's reality regardless of my intent, which leads me to...

I am fully aware of the meaning of words, but there are also the concepts of inference and intent.

From your prose, you may intend to start a conversation, but what others infer from that prose might not be what you intend, and those people might challenge you on it.

If you don't agree that one's intent when starting a topic matters, that understanding intent is salient to any discussion, then we will just have another thing to disagree upon I suppose.


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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

So who's going to make the topic:

"Why I'm still playing Warframe (after 2000+ hours)" 



LOL, my Warframe on Steam has logged around 10K hours. I am still playing Warframe. I know several other veterans with similar hours. For me the no. 1 reason is the accumulation of the progress and builds I put time to not just max them but also to make them work efficiently. (Therefore I really dislike it when DE suddenly decides this frame or weapon or mechanics or Mod too powerful and to be nerfed. This is a PvE game at the end of the day.) I am probably qualified to make a post about it. 

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