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Revenant Themed Warframe "Vlad" Feedback and Discussion


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Hey guys!

  I looked for one and didnt see one, so i figured Id start one! So far, I like what im seeing! The only thing that bothered me was the ult. They fall asleep, but they collapse on the floor. Id like them to actually be inflicted with the sleep status, a la Equinox. If there was synergy with a damage multiplier involved, that would be sweet as well! Looking forward to seeing what you guys add as well!

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5 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I know the 'artistic side' is likely to change, I didn't even mention the marker in my post so no idea why you are referencing that.... it's the mechanics of marking that was the issue with ash, not the symbol above the enemy....

I understand that, and that's what I was referring to, as well.  They were using an already-existing mechanic to do the thing they wanted to do to see if the concept even held water.  That's all.  Was just pointing out it's more of a place-holder mechanic than anything.  But at this point, it's all assumptions anyways, so I'm not gonna get too into worrying about it yet

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10 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Isn't that only for Mods to decide anyway?

Anyone can use the tag. So... The tag is not used here though. 

47 minutes ago, brxricano said:


DE like to change stuff between first look and release. I cannot see much point in attempting to provide meaningful feedback until it is closer to release, or actually released. DE might change everything between now and release, so why bother?


And here is a preexisting feedback/suggestion thread. 


Edited by krc473
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His power style is not much like vampire its more like sparkle but its fine that we have vampier frame because i like that cool direction and i like his name for now 🙂 i just hope that his power have more dark vibe... 

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2 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

Honestly his theme is more artistic than gameplay, the way he was described was a Vampire in an Eidolon like package. Personally I liked his concept art more than his actual model. His concept look like his arms were going to be asymmetrical with a big ol energy hand. I just wasn't feeling it as much as a model. Other than that, as much as Reb wants to push the Vampire theme outside of lifesteal the skill set was screaming sandman, dream eater, boogyman type thing.

We don't have a lot of Sentient traits to draw from so I can understand your train of thought but these ideas aren't all that practical. Enemies don't generally have wide ranges of weapon properties through out a mission. Also enemy weapons follow the same damage rules as we do for the most part. So they generally are throwing more than one damage type at us (eg IPS) per shot. Depending on how much they account for in the adaptation stage the power could just become unwieldy and unreliable for protection or too generic that it might as well just be flat out pure DR. The damage negation in the preview sounds better in this regard if it works decently against ranged attacks as it does melee. The self buff ability is just another version (lesser at that) to Chroma and Vex. Where they share an armor boost but a shield increases is useless to that because armor doesn't apply to shields (and shields aren't great to begin with). Incidentally Chroma can cover all of that as Elec Chroma with Ward and Vex.

Other than that what do we have left to work with? Laser turrets? A more reactive Shield Share? Spectral form might be cool.

To be fair, however...Dracula in his original novel WAS more of a Boogeyman than his modern interpretations.

1 hour ago, Midrib said:

I don't know, I kinda feel like we have plenty of Sentient traits to draw from other then damage adaptation and Lasers.

We know they shape shift and can attach/detach parts of themselves and the environment, as we have seen from Natah/Hunhow/Conculysts/Eidolons.

We know that some can open portals to spawn other Sentients like with the Hydrolyst. and buff those summoned sentients by giving them different attacks and complete damage immunity and that they can regenerate by absorbing them.

We know that they cannot be damaged except when you take down their shields.

And then there's just general characteristics that is shared among all Eidolons like the Energy spike and the big ass Gun on their arms, their seeking attacks. their ground slams.

Again I don't know, I feel like if DE wanted to make a frame that is actually themed around Eidolons they wouldn't have much trouble doing so. but the whole "Revenant" theme is the furthest they could've gone with it, its completely unrelated to Eidolons or Sentients. When did you see a Sentient turn into Fog or Control mobs into attacking each other, or even use sleep?

I like his abilities to a certain extent, i can see them being a lot of fun in solo. but those abilities are not for a Sentient themed Warframe. 


I think y'all are getting confused with the Sentient thing.  I listened carefully to what Reb said, and I don't think it's Sentient-based so much as uses a pact with a Sentient to empower its abilities.  I think, especially based on the most RECENT Warframe, Khora, they are trying to reimagine the concept of having an added on AI, with Khora you had her Kavat, but here I think part of the frame is a Sentient, like a Wisp for example, that cooperates with Vlad and they have a Symbiotic relationship, which makes them both stronger.

Remember, the Eidolons we fight on the plains also use items that are foreign to their original bodies, yet they can channel their powers through them...like Trees...or in this case, Warframes.

Perhaps Vlad was left to die, in pieces, and a Sentient came along, just like with the Teralyst, wandering without a complete body, and the two decided to share ONE body, making the frame we saw, and allowing them both to live!

@[DE]Rebecca Am I close?! 😮

Lol, in all seriousness, though....I think it's a fantastic start.  If for no other reason than a change of flavor!  I don't mind if abilities work similar to other frames.  Pokemon all share the same handful of attacks, and yet that ain't stopped players from continuing to collect what is now well over 700 of em, for over 20 years now.  So..Yeah, Vlad is fine lol

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As Vlad is technically the second 'sentient' warframe (the first being Chroma) it would make sense that DE would want to pursue something different with him. But he just doesn't relate to eidolons the same way Chroma relates to 'normal' sentients.

Normal sentients: Conculysts, Battalysts, etc. General aesthetic is otherworldly and alien. Main combat mechanic is being highly adaptable and resilient to damage.

This is reflected in Chroma's kit, primarily through Vex Armor, which simulates (sort of) damage adaptation and resistance, as well as the element switching. Chroma's ability to reanimate his pelt and have it function semi-independently also underscores the fact that it's a separate being from Chroma proper.

The next type of sentients introduced are, of course, Eidolons: Teralysts, Vomvalysts etc. General aesthetic is ghostly and cursed. Main combat mechanics revolve around ethereality (Vomvalysts in their second form, Teralysts teleporting without a lure) and their transient nature (only emerging at night)

Vlad's mist wall reflects this, mechanically if not yet visually, but nothing else in his kit really does. Eidolons don't mind control people (although Teralysts etc. do summon Vomvalysts as minions) and they don't 'curse' the players when we're fighting them.

I'd suggest then that the vampirism aspect of Vlad doesn't really fit thematically or mechanically and that the emphasis should be on the Revenant aspect. Afflicting people with your curse and using it as a way to subvert enemies and empower yourself sounds cool, but babysitting mind-controlled mobs doesn't fit with that. Beyond that, a stronger focus on mobility and damage immunity would fit well with his kit, maybe even extending to his passive (it would be cool if he got an ethereal 'second chance' upon death like a Vomvalyst).

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I feel the need to remind that its still work in progress and highly likely to change. You should probably wait till his release to be concerned whether or not he fits the lore.

Edited by x2yt
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Roxio or Roxiotl

  • the x pronounced as a ch sound like chair
  • and tl sound like till, until, til
  • like Ro-chi-o or Ro-chi-til

Kinda feels right for a vampiric style with those listed capabilities, and make up for Gara. :clem:

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2 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:


Even if it isn't strictly vampiric (because yeah it's a bit odd to call it that), it still feels like it's trying to use the aesthetic of one frame with the skill set of another and it's not working as well as it could. I've also seen tweets from Reb that are, apparently, talking about changing the abilities up to be more Sentient-focused with lasers and other things of that sort. And TBH I'm not feeling that terribly well: what they have feels like a decent start to something, it's only that the Eidolon look doesn't fit it.

Just my opinion, albeit.

As for the damage reduction thing, that's just one half-baked idea born from the seed of "wouldn't it be great if you could make it so that you can just ignore Bombards?". Could even do something like:

  1. A two-hit ground-quake like the Eidolon's ground smash (just in a single row)
  2. A directional shockwave that briefly stuns targets and applies a bullet attractor effect (because homing boolets from Eidolons)
  3. The temporary damage immunity already ascribed
  4. A spectral form like an "exalted warframe" that has access to offensive, Sentient-based abilities and can be separately modded for offense. Maybe his 1 would be beefed to an AOE, his 2 would be like the Vomalyst dash, and his 3 would be the disco ball of doom.

And maybe his passive could be the damage immunity so that the more damage of a type he takes, the less damage it does (with the DR gradually decaying and having some kind of maximum - which would make his 3 more useful beyond plain invulnerability as damage taken then could count toward the DR).

This is just me spitballing ideas when I'm tired, so it isn't like they're great, but I don't see why something like that couldn't happen.

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Actually, it's pretty simple to create a sentient warframe:

1st ability - Ghost mode. Turns warframe into ghost, makes them completely invulnerable to damage. This mode depends on amount of shields - while active it drains your shields. More efficiency - slower draining.

2nd ability - Leech. Drains shields from enemies around frame and absorbing them. Enemies with no shields restores a little fixed amount. Enemies whose shields are exceeds to abilities damage suffer from sleep. Those who not - got stunned. 

3rd ability - Damage resistance. Time limited ability based on it's level (up to 4 resistances on max level) and power - up to 75%. Works just like on drones and Stalker.

4th ability - mid-range blast with insane amount of damage based on how much energy charged into it (even whole pool). Basic tap - 100 energy based damage.

Edited by FollowTheFaceless
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I dont like that DE are focusing for his powers in some sleeping direction. He is more like some sleeping beauty then a Vampire frame... I like that we have finally vampire frame but I think that he need something more powerful. And his power effects are more sparkly then dark and spokoky design.

Edited by Vlada91
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50 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I think y'all are getting confused with the Sentient thing.  I listened carefully to what Reb said, and I don't think it's Sentient-based so much as uses a pact with a Sentient to empower its abilities.  I think, especially based on the most RECENT Warframe, Khora, they are trying to reimagine the concept of having an added on AI, with Khora you had her Kavat, but here I think part of the frame is a Sentient, like a Wisp for example, that cooperates with Vlad and they have a Symbiotic relationship, which makes them both stronger.

Perhaps Vlad was left to die, in pieces, and a Sentient came along, just like with the Teralyst, wandering without a complete body, and the two decided to share ONE body, making the frame we saw, and allowing them both to live!

Yeah..No, that's just overreaching.

If they wanted to "reimagine the concept of having added on AI" they could've worked on the summoning sentients part that actually fits the sentient part of the frame. 


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4 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

When was it explicitly established? The orokin did release the infestation against the sentients, after all.

There's also the fact that Alad V made the main feral strain of technocyte able to infest machinery. It's not unbelievable that our more 'pure' kind could do that even better. I don't think the technocyte integration is entirely out of the question here, at least with, say, nanomachines or whatever, and not a full-fledged sentient.

The real issue would be the void energy, but if the extremely adaptable technocyte and sentient matter could be merged, it could adapt to that as a new hybrid form.

Alad V didn't make Mutalist strains, he rediscovered it from his experiments on warframes and normal infested.This can be seen by completing Stolen Dreams, which shows Arcane Boilers mutalist strains that have been placed there since before the Fall to defend the Arcane Machine.

The Plague Star event outright says during the event with the Eidolon Phylaxis that Sentient are totally immune to Technocyte - now honestly this confuses now and confused me then as this makes little sense, I would think a dual living/mechnical organism with decentralized awareness would be horrifying to such self aware seemingly mechanical entities - immune to such extent that just gather elements from the Plains that have exposure to the Sentient energies is enough to make a potion to help destabilize a massive Technocyte boil organism. This implies a negativc reaction both to Sentient body part derivatives and possibly Sentient energy being poisonous to infested tissues which our warframes are made out of; being Technocyte organisms.

Void energy is stated pretty repeatedly as being poison to Sentient and is able to disperse or counter Sentient magnetic energy. So that isn't really something that needs being reexplained. This however shows that in both respects such a merging of energies would be counter to either organism existing. Warframes are technocyte that uses Void Energy from Transferenced Tenno to power and fuel their infested abilities. This Void energy is poison to Sentient and disperses their energy fields. Sentient give off powerful magnetic energies that seem to contaminate the ground and Sentient materials around the Plains of Eidolon and tinctures of these exposed elements and minerals are enough to poison large generalized Technocyte growths capable of surviving atmospheric entry and still birthing large Technocyte organisms like the (Lephantis variant) Hemacyst for self defense. This implies a contradictory nature in both respects.

Another important thing to remember as well, is we haven't made any warframes per say; influenced some perhaps - during the Old War = with Nova but the Orokin Elite or Sylvanna made those things. Primes as enhanced versions introduced by Ballas or somehow introduced before the lady that made the warframes for Margulis and Ballas whichever, but how would they have merged a Sentient with a warframe when they feared so absolutely Sentient contamination? If every bit of the Sentient is part of the core awareness like Hunhow; for example, how would this kind of thing make sense even if doable in setting? Their energy being their Oro, if we reach, their soul like with Hunhow Shards? Their energy like the Eidolon's; a dripping magnetic imbued almost fluid, called Breath of Eidolon? Mind, these EIdolon wouldn't have been available during the Old War at all! The original Eidolon Sentient attacked after Hunhow's planned massacre of the Orokin Elite was just recently completed and Hunhow fallen to Uranus. So either the warframe wouldn't be able time-wise to be based on Eidolon shards; or would have to draw from Hunhow shards which haven't shown similar Energy signatures, instead falling to Oro-like drops that other shards can recover - Tenno destroying these by absorbing them either into themselves directly or through transference with the warframes.

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