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Dog Days Tactical Alert on All Platforms


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This event was an great idea. Stupid things are great and fun (no sarcasm). But why didn't we get the squirt gun as a reward? Would have be such a great "nerfgun", shooting water at mission mobs.



Why are the mobs teleporting back and forth, running while not moving and more movement bugs. No it's not because of bad connection to the host or host having a potato for PC. It also happened while I was host.




I just visited Nakak and all the fun of this event went out the door. Who decided that I need around 4000 pearls to get all the non mod stuff from Nakak? From mission 1, 2, 3 and two mission 4, I got 170 pearls. 

Why are you DE coming up with so many great things and then just destroys our fun with stupid decisions. No I will not spend 10 hours farming mission 4 to get the fluff, even thou I want it all.


I like the event, and there are a lot of things you could expand on.

  • Absolutely add the Soaktron as a normal weapon.
  • Add new weapons.  You could have each mission showcase a different one, and in mission 4 you use them all.
  • Instead of having a player just instantly sink when you go out of bounds, have a giant Hydroid tentacle grab and yank them.
  • Maybe a few different songs, picked at random for the mission?
  • Ring tube as an attachment(both companions and frames)
  • Snorkel + mask headgear for operators.
  • Beach towel syandana.
  • "Tropical fish swimming around you" ephemera.  Bonus points if it's Orokin-Vallis-robo-tropical fish.
  • Kela gets a unit-specific weakness to gas damage while the event is active.
  • Scuttling crabs as an orbiter decoration kind of like the space roombas.
1 hour ago, Exodus3v5 said:

Sadly I'm not getting progress after getting 25/100 towards the event in my first match. Consecutive matches aren't counting 😢

At 25 u unlocked the second mission, so you have to do that to get points, then the third and after 100 points the 4th.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FastestKnight said:

The rewards are cool (I mean, who doesn't want a ball?) but not *a must* so in case you dislike the event, you are not forced to play it .

Yeah, tell that to the collector inside me... Luckily I can't donate the floofs to the dojo, so I don't have to make more ark runs to get a second copy of those

3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

The thing is for most of us it's the fact it's basically doing the same thing over and over, there is literally zero variation in what you're doing if you decide to farm it for 7 hours (even over multiple days/events).... I don't mind grind but there comes a point where players feel that DE have pushed that grind too far.... for a lot of us this is too far.

Honestly that sounds like a lot of the RNG events, no sarcasm. Yeah it sucks and I’m not super happy about it either, but instead of 7 hours, break it up.

36 minutes ago, (PS4)corpusbonds said:

Honestly that sounds like a lot of the RNG events, no sarcasm. Yeah it sucks and I’m not super happy about it either, but instead of 7 hours, break it up.

there's only so many times you can break it up before you get to the point where you just can't do it anymore...

I'm struggling to get past 2 in a go, it's that monotonous...

On 2019-08-02 at 10:42 PM, [DE]Helen said:

you’ll earn currency

So it took about 1/2 a day for ppl to get tired of killing mobs and are now just AFK the entire duration of the mission (after they get a couple of kills) ... why didnt u tie in NAKAK pearls as a drop from enemies u kill(SOAK)...

and also why didi u stop at such a low lvl? why not give us harder mission with more pearls as reward... u know its ok to let us fail missions a couple of times! ..

im already bored out of my mind with this event and  i havent even gotten the DOG DAYS scene yet (cause 50 pearls per run is way to low ) we cant even increase pearl drop with resource booster..

and if u dont think that this is way to easy and boring im currently typing this while im playing cause i can just kill 1 enemy and then go afk in a tree..

I like that u are bringing back these tactical alerts/ events but u gotta stop making half assed stuff..and judging by the quality of the transmission from keyla, u cant say u spent alot of time on this cause that was terrible

but on the + side i have heard alot of ppl mention that this would be alot more fun if it was reintroduced as a PvP mechanic with squads of 10 vs 10 where if u get killed u are out .. until 1 team wins and then add like best of 5 wins the match..

IK that this is just a small FUN thing to keep us happy in this content drought until Empyrean, so im not expecting that  u asign 100 ppl into creating this event. but sometimes it feels like u dont even playtest these things before u launch them. cause being chased around by an AI around on a map for 5 minutes with no reason to kill them (once u reach 200 points) gets old FAST .. and it did !

5 hours ago, garbenzine said:

I like the event, and there are a lot of things you could expand on.

  • Absolutely add the Soaktron as a normal weapon.
  • Add new weapons.  You could have each mission showcase a different one, and in mission 4 you use them all.
  • Instead of having a player just instantly sink when you go out of bounds, have a giant Hydroid tentacle grab and yank them.
  • Maybe a few different songs, picked at random for the mission?
  • Ring tube as an attachment(both companions and frames)
  • Snorkel + mask headgear for operators.
  • Beach towel syandana.
  • "Tropical fish swimming around you" ephemera.  Bonus points if it's Orokin-Vallis-robo-tropical fish.
  • Kela gets a unit-specific weakness to gas damage while the event is active.
  • Scuttling crabs as an orbiter decoration kind of like the space roombas.

You forgot getting nakak pearls as orbiter decorations.


This alert desperately needs to be fixed. Never before has a game mode encouraged leeching and afk exploiting more. Pearls should be completely decoupled from being a win reward. It should be based on how many kills you get. Maybe give each payer 3 pearls per kill solo and 5 pearls per kill in a full team. Whatever you have to do, something has to change. Otherwise people are going to continue to exploit it and get rewarded for it.

If you aren't playing the game you shouldn't get a reward. Simple as that.


Why are the mobs teleporting back and forth, running while not moving and more movement bugs

Come on its a perfect cospaly of how conclave matches go lamao


Shouldn't it be called kubrow days? To keep in the warframe universe lore. I know they are the same thing and doesn't have as good of a ring to it, but still. Also, the one that looks like the fugitives is a little too fast. I get that they are lightly armored, but when using a squirt gun that has travel time in an arena full of enemies shooting at you, they can be rather hard to kill and can kill you or get you killed more often then not.


DE stop. Wtf.. The only reason the grind in this game is bearable at all is because the variety of methods.. Now you are forcing us to stay hours in a trash event (fun for 10 minutes? Maybe, but not because of the gameplay but because the setting is beautiful.. The gameplay itself is trash, plus the laggy weapon that cant hit S#&$ unless im at point blank..) with one trash weapon, not even a warframe (no abilities) no melee, same map over and over, same enemies over and over.. Wtf is wrong with you, do you even play your game anymore? How can you think this is a good idea? Are you this disconnected from the player base and from your gaming past? People complained about the grind of nightwave, you delivered lowering it A LITTLE, and then you give us THIS? I mean, go see a neurologist, you guys have a serious problem with your memory.


Poorly executed and i will skip this event, i am already burned out with Nightwave again, i pass, events like this are nice but not work anymore for me alongside Nightwave.

Grind and farming in this game was always a thing and could be fun, but this turns more and more into a chore, i understand the companys behind DE now want numbers of people playing, but this combination of things makes me play less and less lately.

As said event on its own is ok, but it gets annyoing, on top of annyoing mails like the Ghouls over and over while other stuff rarely come back like Acolyts as example, or other stuff feels to random like Fomorian or Razorback, Invasions to build up the progress is another subject for me anyway, i would do them more if we had credit rewards back honestly, resoruces i have stacked so much and weapon parts i not need also, not worth it also since no one seems to want them also.

37 minutes ago, Myscho said:

It will be reccuring event like Plague Star, so why bother getting everything in one day

Di you have an actual source or is just "I think it may come back next summer, which means at least 10 months".

And it's still not a good reason for the stupid grind wall the event has


The major dislike i have with this event is, that it promotes passiveness.

When you are past 200 points (kills) there is no reasen to put effort in the match. To earn pearls both draw, which the game counts as a win, and low score wins will be enough. That doesn't include people afking, but that the effort the player can put into the mission just is not rewarding. (Designing the level in a way, that prevents the bots from getting/shooting to you is another flaw). 

The game should have awarded points per kill (with a multiplier for the difficulity)

1. it would be less grindy

2. it would encourage people to fight 


19 minutes ago, elcee said:

To earn pearls both draw, which the game counts as a win, and low score wins will be enough.

Oh, you say I can just jump to the tree without the need to kill one?

I mean, I'm afk farming since 100 points, I need so many runs to get everything with pearls that I have no reason to make more than 1/2 points each run

1 час назад, Myscho сказал:

It will be reccuring event like Plague Star, so why bother getting everything in one day

Why even get "everything"?

Theres like 5p worth mods from previous events, stupid looking beach balls and 1 palete, 1 sigil and 1 emblem.

I got the palete and an emblem and said **** it.


Neither fun nor funny. Why in the heck would you remove everything fun in the game (frames, weapons, builds, powers) and pit us in an already rather annoying gamemode made even worse by acrid colors and strident noises ?

Yeah, great job guys. Sorry but this is awful, very unlike the rest of your game, DE 😕


I sure love playing Warframe with capped health, no abilities, and only one gun.  It's a really nice change of pace from all that variety and fun the game usually has to offer.  Maybe the next tactical alert can just be a staring contest?  Alad V has been giving me some pretty significant looks recently.  


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