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DE Wants Saryn To Be The Only Endgame


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Now that melee has no scaling damage and enemies still scale infinitely, Saryn is the only infinitely scaling damage we have.


And also, please don't say Volt until you attempt to use your 4 on a group of tightly packed level 150 Corrupted Heavy Gunners. Spoiler alert! It does nothing.


Maybe melee will do much more damage, but with the nerfing to CO and BR, it won't scale infinitely.

Either DE wants not even a trace of "endgame," or they are secretly planning for Saryn to be the only "endgame."

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So, here's the thing with Warframe and its combat system. The archaic definition of endgame consisting of fighting higher level mobs with more damage aside, as long as there is only one method of delivering damage to the enemy there will always be one or two frames that excel at it. I'm not saying they shouldn't try and balance things until something changes, but rather than just complaining about the symptoms of a lacking combat system, it'd help you understand things on a holistic scope if you looked at how simple the damage system actually is.

Yes, you have elements that do more or less damage against certain enemy health types, but because DE always power creeps the ever loving fack out of the game for grofit, any variety in those elements are barely barely noticeable. What do you care how much extra damage you do to shields if you can bypass them with slash or toxin? Why bother with blast or impact if it just makes enemy locations less predictable?

The issue is with how damage is delivered, which is always direct and without any prerequisites. Well, the Nox takes more damage once the helmet is destroyed, but that's about it. Raw, direct damage is king, and as long as it is there will be someone that is on top. How far on top compared to the rest of the field might change, but in general the statement holds. If you want endgame to be in any way based on anything but meta gear checks and how long you can bear to stay in the same mission fighting the same enemies with the same attacks, you need to roll up the combat system, give units a lot stronger resistances to anything but one or two elements, and diversify the methods of how damage is dealt, which you can then reward with damage multipliers. We have something like that already in game in the form of prison wardens, but imagine if every unit type had a specific way to really shut them down fast. Backstabs, frontal finishers, damage delivered while knocked down, while under the effects of a certain proc, etc.

Tell DE to rework their combat system, because that's the crux of your complaint. In the mean time, they could quarter Saryn's spore dot damage and give it a boost whenever she uses miasma.


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The problem here is believing that infinite scaling is required for end-game when the fact is that endurance runs are solely a self-imposed challenge.

The only "end-game" we have lies in Arbitrations, ESO, and Eidolons. If none of that sounds or feels like end-game then you've now discovered the problem with the game's balance and powercreep.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Snowlly said:

I think you mispelled Khora 

Technically Khora, Atlas and to a lesser degree Baruuk and Excal did scale off melee combo counter (excal being the least effected due to stealth multi being the bigger part of his kit and only using 3 condis already).

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1 hour ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

Now that melee has no scaling damage and enemies still scale infinitely...

Maybe melee will do much more damage, but with the nerfing to CO and BR, it won't scale infinitely.

Either DE wants not even a trace of "endgame," or they are secretly planning for Saryn to be the only "endgame."

I don't agree with your saryn stuff because many frames scale like that
I'm pretty shocked how not many people really care about the caps to scaling that's being placed in the rework. 
This definitely needs to gain traction.

38 minutes ago, trst said:

The problem here is believing that infinite scaling is required for end-game when the fact is that endurance runs are solely a self-imposed challenge.

The only "end-game" we have lies in Arbitrations, ESO, and Eidolons. If none of that sounds or feels like end-game then you've now discovered the problem with the game's balance and powercreep.

You're right, endurance runs are self-imposed challenges.
But you also contradict yourself when you say that Arbitrations (which ENCOURAGE endurance running) <and I'll add Disruptions, (Which also encourage endurance running)> are both endgame while not being endurance runs. They encourage it by their rotation system. DE definitely has removed the need for endurance runs before, by replacing the key system with relics. We can in almost all mission types, get better and faster, and more rewards, by leaving and looping.
Except for the initial 20 min investment in arbitrations and disruptions.

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