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Why Warframe is declining, and people quit for boredom.


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Something needs to be done to all these piling issues that already exist in the game. We have Kuva Siphons, Nightmare Missions, Syndicate missions.. game modes on top of game modes that are unpopulated, and empty. Dont get me started with all the UI issues, and inventory management. That is a whole another topic, that has been an issue for long time. They keep making new exciting content they enjoy making, instead of making sure the core game is good. Warframe does not have endgame content.. Yet majority of the community are this type of players, who play for hours every single day.
They simply have to start doing something about already existing things in the game, or this game is gonna keep going down. People simply leave Warframe FOR GETTING BORED!!! That is the worst possible reason someone would quit your game for.. Even this new Duviri feels lifeless and boring. It is nothing but a mandatory thing you have to grind, in order to get your gear. Nobody plays it for fun, except maybe some nieche Circuit groups.
Something needs to be done. Whether Digital Extremes likes it or not.. The community are on Steel Path level of power, and require enough content to last 24/7 without getting bored. A good place to start would be dedicating some time to look into already existing systems in the game...
How about bringing Nightmare missions to Steel Path? Those would be fun. SP players do SP mostly cause killing thigns there actually feels more meaningful. Nightmares would introduce more ways to enjoy challenge, and do obscure builds.
Kuva Siphons in SP would be a great way to give some variety to all the Arbitration farmers, who spent endless hours in Arbi farming essences jsut to roll their rivens. Even if Siphons gave less Kuva, I would still run them for fun purposes in Steel Path
Syndicate missions are useless now. People simply just craft their Dojo resources, and nobody runs Syndicate missions unless there's good rewards.
Events are boring in modern Warframe standards. Nobody does these for fun neither. They are simply something you have to do, if you want some specific loot from them.
Where has all the fun gone? Why do we still have these unpopulated dying game modes in the game, after we have asked something to be done for a loooooong time
Please do better. It is far more important making sure the core game is good, before you start making new content, just because you enjoy doing it.
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39 minutes ago, Turboameeba said:
Syndicate missions are useless now. People simply just craft their Dojo resources, and nobody runs Syndicate missions unless there's good rewards.

augments, weapons?

39 minutes ago, Turboameeba said:
Something needs to be done. Whether Digital Extremes likes it or not.. The community are on Steel Path level of power, and require enough content to last 24/7 without getting bored. A good place to start would be dedicating some time to look into already existing systems in the game...
How about bringing Nightmare missions to Steel Path? Those would be fun. SP players do SP mostly cause killing thigns there actually feels more meaningful. Nightmares would introduce more ways to enjoy challenge, and do obscure builds.

I don't mind putting stuffs into SP level but in my opinion it's not good way to make "fun" content. You say that people are on SP level of power. However SP is made that way so you are less likely to experiment, hence less potential for fun. When I go to SP I know that I need strong weapon/frame and survive. In normal mode I can deal with my build shortcomming in game by doing certain things (e.g. rolls to get immunity from Rolling guard and 75% damage reduction - in other cases). In SP, those "certain things" matters much less.

In my opinion speed is better than mere bullet sponges and damage showers:


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It looks to me more like people are treating Warframe as a seasonal thing rather than the only game they're playing.

Meaning that they come back, experience the new content, grind it out for a little and then leave until something new is added again.

That's fine by me.

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Putting everything in steel path won't make old missions good suddenly. Sure, they can do it, in the case of syndicate and nightmare missions, they could use a complete redesign, rather than bump in enemy level.

There are more ways to achieve interesting/challenging content than pumping enemy levels up.

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"Why Warframe is declining, and people quit for boredom"

It's not declining, the stats are fluctuating, yes, that's how people work, we don't play the same game for 1 year straight with no breaks

In fact, the amount of average players is getting higher & higher with every update


So can we #*!%ing stop with this WarFraMe iS dYinG!!1! bullS#&$ already? This has been going on for years & it's still completely false

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2 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

They keep making new exciting content they enjoy making, instead of making sure the core game is good.

You are not wrong. There has long been no focus on the story. Warframe has no story objectives. Most games has a starting and an end point which the game and its community going towards at. Warframe content are all over the place because the dev just create new stuffs based on what their interest at the time. 

Despite all these, warframe has a lot of loyal supporters, so I don't think the game will die soon.

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by rule, the majority of the Playerbase for any F2P game is actually not endgame Players. that's just how it is.

anyways, some systems are kinda left on the side of the Road without much purpose, but if things are forgotten but also not used or needed, well, atleast Players don't need to engage with it so they can and will ignore that Content and it works out......... passably, as long as they get other Content to do instead to fill their time.
much of the types of Content never were actually exactly... exciting to play versus other Missions. i was never enthused with that, but if those things don't have to be interacted with, then they're not bothering me i guess.

if they'd rather the majority of time focus on adding new Content, well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i can't say i'm not getting enjoyment from as such, after some refinement i enjoy playing Railjack for the most part (though, having to board Stations to Walk around in and click a couple Buttons is antithetical to the intended Spaceship Gameplay, so like, bruh), Zariman was kinda wonderful i think, Duviri was surprisingly good, the idea of Incarnon upgrades is kinda better than Syndicate Mods ever were, or most Weapon Variants either for that matter so i'd be on board with that if they wanted to continue.


though, more stuff like Eidolon Hunting or Profit Taker would be cool - just ideally designed so that as many Game Mechanics as possible function in the encounters. the fun is in me picking what bucket of Game Mechanics i like using, if i can't then the encounter is just always a reduced amount of fun. i'm not interested in playing whack-a-mole with specific Mechanics that are to be used on this or that while everything else is made to be mostly useless - that just means there isn't really any fun, because i don't get to pick things to mix together to create fun. having 567823238 Mechanics to mix together has been like, the core part of the fun of the game since the beginning of the game, and the game gets better every time that is allowed to continue and expand rather than be artificially limited. it's not about the results of the Stats so much as mixing and using the Mechanics... i just want to use the Mechanics and get results from them.

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Sounds like someone is burnt out. And that is where the fun has gone for you.

Personally I havent enjoyed an open world as much as I enjoy Duviri. I actually dont mind going back on a daily basis to knock out a couple of The Duviri Experience runs now that the 3 portals were added. It is both fun overall due to the shifting gameplay and it actually has rewards locked to it that are interesting. As to syndicates being useless now, well all I can say is welcome to factions in a GAAS or MMO game. Eventually they become meaningless since you have everything. But such things are also not designed to be everlasting. Heck I just went back to switching up my syndicates last week after having been tied to the same since I started in 2017. Simply because I wanted some rewards and found a reason to make use of the system instead of buying them. All thanks to what Duviri brought with it in the shape of incarnons like Magistar and Furis.

Siphons is also content that doesnt have to last beyond a certain point since this is a GAAS game, where content eventually gets phased out by new content for the late game players. Though I wouldnt mind a higher level version of them, just not SP. Make it its own thing, with some other form of "mini-boss" that pops and rewards Kuva instead of Steel Essence. Maybe some Kuva "dungeon" alerts that include the siphon step, killing a boss (could be a rank 5 lich) that grants kuva and then completing whatever mission is on the node aswell.

Regarding Nightmare missions, I dont see the point adding them to SP since they would be pointless for people at that level due to what they reward. Fissures are atleast universal just like regular missions, so their transition to getting SP versions wasnt odd.

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4 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

Syndicate missions are useless now. People simply just craft their Dojo resources, and nobody runs Syndicate missions unless there's good rewards.

So a system that has a definite end point becomes useless when you hit said endpoint?

I honestly don't get the point you're trying to make here.
Of course syndicates are going to be "useless" once you have everything syndicates offer....but then again you have everything syndicates have to offer.....

And even then they stay useful because they can allow you to quickly farm out the new prime by stockpiling medallions and waiting for the prime to drop and then trading in for a bunch of relics.

And beyond that they can remain trading fodder for people who want augments or weapons but don't want to change syndicates to get them.

This is like saying that focus is useless once you've finished all the focus trees and have all the representation from every school owned....which is a big "Well duh, you finished the system...."

4 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

How about bringing Nightmare missions to Steel Path? Those would be fun. SP players do SP mostly cause killing thigns there actually feels more meaningful. Nightmares would introduce more ways to enjoy challenge, and do obscure builds.

And what would be the point in running them?
Once you have all the nightmare mods it becomes pointless to run nightmare missions outside of the nightwave challenges.

Sure you can claim "But the fun!" and I just have to ask: "Is it really any fun?"
The nightmare modes are either trivial or ignored.

Who honestly plays the no energy nightmares?
Who honestly plays the no shields nightmares?

Meanwhile Timer, Health Vampire, Low Gravity and Death Detonation don't really change the gameplay enough to make it worth playing.
Wow, you can experience what a Zephyr does with all frames!  Or you have a meaningless timer that by the end of missions is 5-10x what it started as!

People won't suddenly start flocking to those missions if they were added into SP as they wouldn't offer anything worth playing the mission for.

4 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

Kuva Siphons in SP would be a great way to give some variety to all the Arbitration farmers, who spent endless hours in Arbi farming essences jsut to roll their rivens. Even if Siphons gave less Kuva, I would still run them for fun purposes in Steel Path

Again: What would this really change?

The core gameplay of the siphon would remain the same: You one-shot everything in the map and take out the kuva clouds.
Nothing at all would change from it being SP.

Bumping the levels wouldn't suddenly make it "fun" or "engaging".
Hek it wouldn't even make the missions take a noticeably longer amount of time to complete.

4 hours ago, Turboameeba said:

Where has all the fun gone? Why do we still have these unpopulated dying game modes in the game, after we have asked something to be done for a loooooong time

And this just sounds like you're burned out and maybe should take a break from warframe.

If you aren't having fun with the core gameplay loop then why continue playing?


All in all this is just another burned out player yelling doom and gloom with nothing to back it up.
According to players like you Warframe has been dying for 8 years...yet it's still around.

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Realistically it's not dying, it has plateaued for a few yrs or so now. It's not really a game for longtime players anymore and not really new ones either. Vets have collected and done everything and have to wait months for more content and newer players don't invest their time by making this their core game cuz the collection content is too daunting. Most ppl get burned out with the long grinds for so-so rewards so they walk away. This is a collection game, but the problem is no matter how much you collect it doesn't really improve or mean anything. You get some extra xp to reach a day cuz of MR, but this isn't that worth it. Putting aside the core gameplay that ppl enjoy, any of the newer systems or content just isn't that amazing for a lot of ppl imo. I've had hope and excitement before for what this game could be, but DE kind of fumbled the ball a bit. Very nice and fun game studio, design wise and business wise... not so much. Management and priority seems to be a big problem in DE. 

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3 hours ago, Zeclem said:

why do people make threads like this when we have steam charts that completely destroy this ded game arguments?

Idk but people tend to bring up the steam charts to say the game is dying because it had more players at some point years ago. 

Steam is just 1 out of 6 ways you can play Warframe anyway so we can't tell exactly how many people play in total

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OP, I want you to be happy.  I'm leading with that because I want you to know exactly where I'm coming from when I tell you something that you may not want to hear.  I hope you'll hear me out regardless.

A problem I've seen with many people on these boards is that they make Warframe a habit rather than an optional thing they can do when they feel like it.  They get into the habit of playing Warframe for X hours a day, and then one day they realize that there's nothing in Warframe they want to do.  But then instead of finding something else to do that would be enjoyable, they continue trying to squeeze water out of the Warframe stone.  And honestly, I don't blame them: once we get settled into habits, it can be incredibly hard to recognize the habit, let alone change it.

The problem is never that Warframe is dying; while Warframe certainly has its ebbs and flows, it has largely continued to be the same game.  The problem is always that the player is burned out on Warframe.  And based on what you've written, I think that's where you probably are.

The solution is thankfully quite simple: take a break.  For a week, a month, a year, whatever it takes.  Go find joy in other pursuits, and only come back when you genuinely find yourself wanting to play Warframe as it is.  There is so much to enjoy in life that isn't Warframe, and there's no single hobby that can keep you engaged and happy all by itself for the rest of your life.  Your body is telling you it wants something different than what Warframe is currently offering, so listen to it.  If you do that, I think you'll find that things get better.  Wishing you the best!

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The game isn't dying.

As far as unpopulated nodes goes that's just a result of the casual nature of the game (meta nodes are very accessible and easy to solo) and how everything is needed in a finite quantity. In order to resolve this you don't necessarily need more difficult content but more resource sinks to encourage repeated runs of old content, which is a concept so foreign to this game that it'd likely bomb immensely if added.

Which also feeds into the getting bored issue as players can fully complete everything far faster than you can in virtually any other similar game. By not having to worry about things like limited inventory space or gear maintenance players have almost nothing stopping them from rushing right to the finish line. And most players tend to stop playing a game (or at least play FAR less) once all the objectives it offers are finished.


While just having more difficult content might cause some players to stick around more just for fun (which is something players can already seek out right now) it alone isn't providing incentives for playing more. Plus given how casual of a game this is and the type of playerbase DE has fostered anything "genuinely difficult" is likely to push out more players than it retains.


I understand the desire for more difficult content but DE has long since proven that this just isn't in the cards. Maybe they'll have some design shift in the future where they decide to try otherwise but unless they want to make a huge risk with the game the best hope we realistically got is for them to trim some of the top end overpowered setups.

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Oh, hey, a bingo card for the run-up to Tennocon...

If Warframe was on its way out, there would be a distinct lack of several key things.

1. Digital Extremes, as a Developer, can afford to host a dedicated Convention for its game.

2. DE has the money to fund an entire separate game in the form of Soulframe.

3. DE can license out their game engine to another company so that another entirely new game can be designed.

4. Charity drives for DE are based off players spending the in-game premium currency to buy each other gifts, and DE translate that into hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to charities every single year. That plat was, by and large, already bought or traded internally, so it's coming from their excess revenue over the months before the Charity drive, not so much during it.

5. They are still able to have deals with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to consistently update the game across the board, and are (slowly) implementing more and more functionality to allow cross-play between corporate-owned servers and their own.

Oh, and 6. A still very-much-present daily player base, even if it has gone down from peak times when it was newer.


Fun Concept:

I encourage players to take breaks once they start to burn out on Warframe. It's a game, not a job, you don't have to come back every day, every week, every month. I've taken several breaks across the years I've been playing, due to burn-out, boredom and even anger. It's a good thing to do and you always find something new when you come back.

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The game is not declining overall, only in certain areas, and you only see this if you're someone who's in a niche category of player. Player numbers aren't declining overall, nor would I say the overall experience is. However, you could argue that it's accurate to say that "long-time player activity is declining" or that the level of polish on content releases has at best not improved. That's something that doesn't affect everyone, but is noticeable to the few paying attention.

As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Warframe has moved to a seasonal game with a bit more FOMO to have you checking in regularly. The game has never really been focused on having the player on every single day. Some people just play it that way, and the game becomes stale if you're that kind of player. I still login alot, but I'm mostly only playing on weekly reset now and doing my daily login reward + Nightwave task. There's nothing to pursue on a daily level anymore, and there are almost no events either between content updates.

These doom and gloom threads are too general to be applicable and aren't a precise observation with everything going on. The stuff Warframe struggles with are things it has struggled with for half a decade or more now. There's nothing suddenly going downhill, just the year over year situation of failing to improve in many areas of the game.

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9 hours ago, Turboameeba said:
Something needs to be done to all these piling issues that already exist in the game. We have Kuva Siphons, Nightmare Missions, Syndicate missions.. game modes on top of game modes that are unpopulated, and empty. Dont get me started with all the UI issues, and inventory management. That is a whole another topic, that has been an issue for long time. They keep making new exciting content they enjoy making, instead of making sure the core game is good. Warframe does not have endgame content.. Yet majority of the community are this type of players, who play for hours every single day.
They simply have to start doing something about already existing things in the game, or this game is gonna keep going down. People simply leave Warframe FOR GETTING BORED!!! That is the worst possible reason someone would quit your game for.. Even this new Duviri feels lifeless and boring. It is nothing but a mandatory thing you have to grind, in order to get your gear. Nobody plays it for fun, except maybe some nieche Circuit groups.
Something needs to be done. Whether Digital Extremes likes it or not.. The community are on Steel Path level of power, and require enough content to last 24/7 without getting bored. A good place to start would be dedicating some time to look into already existing systems in the game...
How about bringing Nightmare missions to Steel Path? Those would be fun. SP players do SP mostly cause killing thigns there actually feels more meaningful. Nightmares would introduce more ways to enjoy challenge, and do obscure builds.
Kuva Siphons in SP would be a great way to give some variety to all the Arbitration farmers, who spent endless hours in Arbi farming essences jsut to roll their rivens. Even if Siphons gave less Kuva, I would still run them for fun purposes in Steel Path
Syndicate missions are useless now. People simply just craft their Dojo resources, and nobody runs Syndicate missions unless there's good rewards.
Events are boring in modern Warframe standards. Nobody does these for fun neither. They are simply something you have to do, if you want some specific loot from them.
Where has all the fun gone? Why do we still have these unpopulated dying game modes in the game, after we have asked something to be done for a loooooong time
Please do better. It is far more important making sure the core game is good, before you start making new content, just because you enjoy doing it.

I'm getting pretty sick of these BS threads. It's almost like none of these guys even bother to understand how this very PROGRESSIVE and very, very, VERY, VEEERRRYYY long running game works.

Fourth, these rhetorical points were also said in 2016, 2017, 2018 and so on. Each YouTuber of the moment uses those points to draw in views. 7 years later, doomsayers are still here I guess but the game has only grown. 

Third, the game has multiple high replay value elements but, unlike other games, you're neither locked out nor without reason to return to any of them. That said, it is always an expectation that the very vast majority of players are caught up with the latest game mode/update news and will ALWAYS want the new, shiney toy the latest update offers. This means you're usually going to find the most pub players in the newest update zone or the areas where the fastest method to get to the newest update zone are. I'm quite sure no one has issues finding a squad for Hydron, right? 

Second, recruit chat is always busy. Find what you want there. 

First, and this is extremely important for you vets or near vets to get a grip on: normalcy is a natural human feature. Day one player you is nowhere near the same as current you...and we legit had an 8000 hours dude who thought he should have the exact same excitement as he did when he was only at hour 200. He called the game crap for not allowing this. This is  unacceptable in every way and is actually disrespectful to the devs. Imagine some random dude saying your product is crap after using your product for 200 hours. Now imagine an 8000 hours dude saying that too. It's just too weird for me  😂

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8 hours ago, -Krism- said:

"Why Warframe is declining, and people quit for boredom"

It's not declining, the stats are fluctuating, yes, that's how people work, we don't play the same game for 1 year straight with no breaks

In fact, the amount of average players is getting higher & higher with every update


So can we #*!%ing stop with this WarFraMe iS dYinG!!1! bullS#&$ already? This has been going on for years & it's still completely false

But muh clickbait. 

But muh personal subjective feelings stated as facts. 

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