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How do you all feel about Invigorations? Do you use them?


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Invigorations (the weekly buffs you can pick-up from helminth) have been around a pretty long time now.   How do you guys feel about the system??  How often do you take them.   If not, whats stopping you??


I do not take them that often..........Primarily because I dont play alot anymore.   But I check to see whats there each week and sometimes there are buffs I would love to have.   But even if I was playing alot I kinda do not like being tied down to one warframe for a week at a time.   Duviri - Cricuit has made this issue even worse since that takes away your ability to choose.  

This would prob be a nightmare to program but could we take an invigoration on a specific warframe and only have the week long timer count down while we are using it??  When we are not using that frame the count down gets paused???   Forseeable problem is having multiple frames with invigorations active....

Would it be possible to just make the buffs generic to your account.  Like if you got +200% strength invigoration it would just apply to every frame you use for that week.   

Thats all... I just feel like they are to restrictive.    Maybe we could see some new buffs that are account wide.   Like x2 standing,  no standing cap,   Halved build times.  I dont know.  

Maybe we get a choice of 3 invigs but we get to control which one to add to a specific frame instead of it being random....

One is giving range, one is giving armor,  one is giving strength.  You could attach any of the three to whatever frame you wanted for the week.  No changing the attached frame after.  

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5 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Maybe we get a choice of 3 invigs but we get to control which one to add to a specific frame instead of it being random....

Just to check, you are aware that you can do exactly that, every 10 Invigorations?

Also the random part is kind of by design, to maybe make you give an old dust-collecting Frame another try.

Plus nothing forces you to use only that 1 Frame the whole week,
you can use others - be they invigorated as well or not - based on your mood / the mission at hand.

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I stopped using them.

They aren't good enough to make me use a less optimal frame and probability of rolling one of my main ones is too low to bother checking the chair. The material cost is also barrier enough for me to not burn through 10 useless invigorations to get one free choice.

If the random frame in an Archon hunt was a useful one I suppose I could use the override to double buff it but anything short of that just doesn't feel worth the hassle.

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i guess the system does what it intends - encourages you to use Warframes you don't normally use.

but i'm not going to use a Warframe i don't like using just because i get a big Stat boost. same goes for Arbitration or anything else in the game that offers those bonuses. i might use a Warframe i don't often use but do already like, but not one that i just don't like outright. if the Abilities are meh or it lacks a purpose to exist or i just don't like the theme/playstyle - that's not going to change just with some big lump of Stats.

but again, the system technically does what it sets out to do. but i can't be bothered with it at all, it's too much work to use the system. not only is anything related to the Helminth Menu kind've tedious to use (except Archon Shards, those are pretty ok on the UI hurdle to use them), but you need to use Dozens of them over and over and you also have to switch Warframes to inject it which is just so freaking annoying. just let me Click the Button irregardless of what Warfarme i have on already. it adds so much UI clunk for no reason.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Invigorations (the weekly buffs you can pick-up from helminth) have been around a pretty long time now.   How do you guys feel about the system??  How often do you take them.   If not, whats stopping you??


I do not take them that often..........Primarily because I dont play alot anymore.   But I check to see whats there each week and sometimes there are buffs I would love to have.   But even if I was playing alot I kinda do not like being tied down to one warframe for a week at a time.   Duviri - Cricuit has made this issue even worse since that takes away your ability to choose.  

This would prob be a nightmare to program but could we take an invigoration on a specific warframe and only have the week long timer count down while we are using it??  When we are not using that frame the count down gets paused???   Forseeable problem is having multiple frames with invigorations active....

Would it be possible to just make the buffs generic to your account.  Like if you got +200% strength invigoration it would just apply to every frame you use for that week.   

Thats all... I just feel like they are to restrictive.    Maybe we could see some new buffs that are account wide.   Like x2 standing,  no standing cap,   Halved build times.  I dont know.  

Maybe we get a choice of 3 invigs but we get to control which one to add to a specific frame instead of it being random....

One is giving range, one is giving armor,  one is giving strength.  You could attach any of the three to whatever frame you wanted for the week.  No changing the attached frame after.  

I can see it having value for those who want to try out some meme buids, or for those who prefer the boost in player power it gives.

I already find the game to be too easy and tend to lower my player power by nerfing myself. As such, I do not use invigorations.

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I generally like them, and use them frequently enough. Not each of them, all the time, every week. For example, this week I may take only the Protea Invigoration I have, and not the other two I can't remember. I probably won't play that much, but I may want to use Protea for some farming next week, so I can wait until Sunday, then activate it and have it for next week. 

I like them for two reasons. They can be really convenient for different reasons. I have a Wisp Invigoration from last week, I used on a brand new Wisp Prime. Its the Invigoration that makes you Immune to Status Effects. It means, I can take her into solo Steel Path, with no Forma at level 0 and find it easier than otherwise. Can also be good for helping certain other weapons hit above their weight too, with some of the buffs. 

Then I also generally just like testing and doing fun things with different combinations of weapons or Warframes, which Invigorations can enable. Since I already often use a variety of Warframes and weapons anyway, I never have to worry about "using a Warframe I otherwise wouldn't" because by default, I already often play most Warframe regardless. 

I sort of get why they are restrictive too. Like obviously there is a subjective element here, but generally such systems, have restrictions baked into the premise and idea. Without them, then the advantages by themselves wouldn't exist or be given. Well, I mean depends on the system obviously, but some of these buffs I think would be too strong if they applied to every Warframe or were modified in the way, I have seen several suggest and request. Not that I am inherently opposed to suggestions or ideas, just... 

Anyway, there are a few I find really fun. The gun reload buff, the mobility one, the jumping one, then certain range and strength buffs for certain Warframes and then new thresholds you can break. Silly, goofy temporary fun. I made a thread where people could talk about their specific combinations and favourite combinations for the week, wasn't super popular though. I think Archon Shards are generally a bit more popular, I could guess people generally prefer permanent buffs versus week long types. 

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Nope since the system is clunky as #*!% because you must have the frame you want to buff equipped. It also costs resources for a return of power that just isnt needed to begin with.

If I could just apply it to the frames without having to have them equipped as I visit Helminth, and there was no cost to it I'd probably use it if I could remember it being thing.

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I use them.  Gives me more options in SP circuit and allows me to charge up for a wildcard invig every month, turning my favorite frame into a superhero for a week.

Usually, I invig until I get wildcard and then only do good invigorations from there while keeping the wildcard in my pocket in case there's a double credit weekend so I can farm profit taker even more efficiently.  However, since we just had 3x double credit weekends in a row leading into tennocon, I feel safe in using the wildcard more freely for a while.

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Absolutely not. Invigorations are poison to my mind goblins. 'What if I spend an invig on a frame I like but I don't have enough time to play that week? Won't I be 'wasting' it?' etc.

So I've had the frame you get from 10 invigs for... forever, honestly. I don't even spend resources on the others because, TBH, 90% of the time it's still just more efficient for me to use my go-tos than whatever random boosts the game throws up for invigs.

If you had a way to 'lock in' a certain choice I might do it, even if it was expensive, but that would be insanely broken. So it's just ... there, for me. 

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I don't use them at all.  As long as there are permanent things that I need resources for, I'm not going to waste my resources on temporary things.  And since every update introduces new things, that means there will never be a time where Invigorations are worth the cost of admission.  At least, not at their current price point.

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I used to use them religiously, mostly so I could get overrides for Banshee.  I still check them every week, but mostly don't use them unless they come up for frames I play a lot.  And sometimes even then.  When they do catch my interest, it's as likely to be sprint speed, parkour, or extra jumps as these are pretty fun.

One small and pretty illogical factor in my not using them as much is how often ranged crit chance comes up.    It just pains me to think that I could be nerfing the damage of my Phenmor, even though I'll often go a week without equipping it or any of the Attrition weapons at all.

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I only check when I am looking thru my Helminth abilities, and even then, I only sometimes remember. The resource sink is not worth charging up for swapped invigoration.

The only time I actively check is when I remember the system exists and I want to try a meme build and I'm confident the meme is funny enough to warrant taking the time to check.

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