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Nightwave + alerts removal feedback


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On 2019-07-22 at 12:42 PM, Tsukinoki said:

Please tell me:
How is asking to do 9 invasions "awful"?

And please tell me how many you would need for an "elite" weekly?  1 invasion for 7K standing?
Or do you just want it for signing in for the day?

DE has reduced the actually annoying challenges, the 60 minute survivals, the 5 sorties, and so on.

But come on.
They are asking you to do 9 invasions or 10 nightmares.
That isn't a lot.
Its not like that challenge will take hours to do or o is some monstrously tedious piece of work.

If DE kept listening to players like you every last nightwave would just be:
Sign into the game for 4.5K standing
Play one capture mission for 7K standing
And so on.

It's not an elite act though... I personally don't care, i mean, yeah phorids are done in one minute... Just volt speed to phorid, one-shoot him, volt speed to exit... The largest wait period is when it glitches and won't spawn...
But here i stand at a point where the only time i have any reason to do Invasions is when they award forma, exilus slots or potatoes. I have all the invasion weapons built and mastered, i have all the dojo stuff built and mastered, so i don't need anything that's commonly awarded by invasions. So yeah, i'm doing them for doing them sake. It's like the forma challenge or the gild challenge. They're asking me to do stuff for a mediocre reward that's basically just wasting my time.
I'm not against challenges that ask for time investment, heck, one of the things people complain (the operator spy mission) i did that today just because i have a new amp i'm ranking, and i just went for that. But Nightwave on it's own is not as great of a reward as many seem to think, and having to do challenges that have no other benefit for me just for 4.5 standing isn't the most rewarding thing in the world.

Same thing can be said about Nightmares... I have all the Nightmare mods for years, why do i have to go waste time on those missions... Its not like you can't cheese them just as easily as any other mission? Heck, you can just take Rhino, the very first warframe you can get after the starters and no Nightmare mission is going to touch you. (And that's exactly how i farmed Nightmare missions back when i was MR 3-4).

This just highlights the major current problem with Nightwave. They're good for the middle of the curve, the "average" player. They are incredibly bad for the people at the extremes. New players, the ones that relied the most on alerts for stuff, those are screwed completely, and unable to complete normal acts, i mean, if it was only the elites, sure. But even normal acts are exclusionary. And as for people on the higher end, it all becomes busy work. You have to repeat (again) stuff you have already done in the past for the sake of a mediocre level of progression for 2-3 rewards that are strategically placed at the end of the track, but they know are the only things most high level people care about.

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Try to spread the mission over the week, you can also use said missions to farm something you like, phorid for example sounds good if done fast, but getting to the end quickly is very ineficcient, my sugestion is to kill along the way, rare mods, endo, ayatan stars, exp can also be aquired, while it should take you more time, it also makes the mission more profitable, rare mods for example can be traded (if you're up for it) for ayatan statues, meaning a single phorid run can give you the equivalent of several rotations in arbitrations.

If you're just rushing missions then you'll hate nightwave with a passion, because you're doing duzzens of missions and getting only a reward that is obtained after many duzzens of missions, while some players prefer getting lot's of stuff in a single mission.

You're priority (this is my recomendationa and you are free to ignore) is to increase the profitability of missions, then you work on the speed, if you change this around you won't get far.

It's quite simple, if the gameplay you have is you just using WASD to move around, you get nothing, so the more time you spend rushing in misisons, the less profitable and the more boring they become, this is a player choice and responsibility, not a game design problem.

Edited by KIREEK
small typos
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So, honestly, seeing the nightwave rewards, especially at the later levels got me to play warframe a bit more lately, and I was really looking forward to getting the operator suit, and I figured I could just get it if I completed all of the nightwave missions, however, with this week's nightwave I'm running into a bit of a problem:

I literally cannot complete one of the objectives this week.

Take down the profit-taker. My reputation with them isn't high enough, and with only 18k rep per day I am simply not making it to "old mate" in time, no matter how hard I try. Frankly, this just blows. If these kind of weekly missions show up too often, I simply won't be able to get the rewards I'm after, and it would all be down to "luck", as this is a challenge that cannot be overcome by effort.

I like the idea of Nightwave, but the way it's executed this week makes me a bit angry to be honest. If you're going to give challenges that might need weeks of preparation, at least let us know beforehand so we have a chance to actually do them. 

(And before anyone asks, YES, I am aware Fortuna has been out for a while, I'm simply just not a big fan of the content, so no, I am not old mate yet, unlike the vast majority of you).

Having said that, if there's any way anyone can think of to still somehow complete this objective this week, please let me know 🙂

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You dont need to complete everyone of the challenges to reach rank 30 in this season. I agree Profit Taker shouldnt be locked behind max rank SU but you can still make it without that weekly.

On top of that we have the catch up system so you can this weekly once you get to max rank. There are atleast 7 more weeks of this nightwave, with your standing cap it's possible to reach max rank SU in time.

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You just need 60% of all acts to reach rank 30 and skip some of them if you want.

Also catch-up system helps you to complete acts from previous week. Here is quote from workshop post ;

On 2019-05-10 at 5:54 PM, [DE]Bear said:

1) Playing Catch-Up: Stored, Missed Acts!

The biggest change we wanted to announce was the addition of a system which allows you to play missed Acts after you have completed the current Acts for your given week. This will only apply to Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts. 

When both Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts are completed for a week, a ‘missed’ Act from a previous week will be available to play and complete. Once you have completed all ‘missed’ Acts, they will no longer appear, only to be refreshed in the next week’s rotation.


Edited by Aeon94
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1 hour ago, Salenzar said:

I like the idea of Nightwave, but the way it's executed this week makes me a bit angry to be honest. If you're going to give challenges that might need weeks of preparation, at least let us know beforehand so we have a chance to actually do them.

This was a challenge during Season 1 as well (the previous challenge required you do it with a friend/clanmate).  You've had months since the challenge first appeared.

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I don't mind completing 5 bounties but forcing them to be "different" just seems I dunno.... not great. 

Warframe is a game that feels at it's best when you are Multitasking and playing on your schedual and the fact that you are forced to do different bounties sorta tanks both of those. 

For example last time (or at least as I recall) the 5 Cetus bounties came up I remember grinding out an Eidolon Lens because "Hey ya know I need one of those and why not". It got my bounties done, it netted me an Eidolon Lens and I was happy. This time around however I the qualifier that it needed to be different bounties had me running the basic bounty to check to see how srs it was about and sure enough the second run didn't count. 

So I could theoretically squeeze out one attempt at a lens and then I get to wait ~2hrs until the bounties cycle to try again or not have it count towards Nightwave. 


DE remember back in the day when you only got standing for the first time you ran the bounty until reset? Remember how popular that was? So why are we essentially back to square one? 

Just let people run the bounties they want. 

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Originally consensus was 8 was too many, DE decided to reduce the amount but added in 'different' so it can actually end up taking longer than the old 8 if you only have one session to do it in....

Yeah it's a stupid part of the change and should not have included the different part of the requirement.

It's made even worse when you have zero reason to even run them in the first place....like most high level players.

Edited by LSG501
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I would prefer running the same 1-2 Bounties a few times to get those Unvaulted Relics (typically they drop from just one bounty each Cetus day), but I also have a whole week to do 5 missions, so... meh?

I've noticed that this season, the changes to Acts have correlated with me spacing out my completion of them over the week, rather than rushing them all at once. There may or not be causation there (other factors like work and stuff could be influencing), but I have noticed that approaching Weekly Acts in a "weekly" way has lessened that grindy feel for me. I'm not spamming through the Nightmares, for example, I'm just grabbing the MobiDef (3) and Spy (3) ones and then I'll fill in the other 4 later.

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Hello. Just here to give my opinion :)

So I and my friend agree. Alerts were RNG sure but if you did see a alert for Nitain or a reactor or catalist. You were happy to see it. Did it got it and you felt good. Now you can at any time get any reward you want. Ofc said things are the things you most likely want. However if you "need" Vauban for mr or want that aura mod or like a skin you have to use these points to get these things instead of the good things. And it feels really bad. And I am 100% sure that the creds now give us much less things then we could have gotten from Alerts. And I hate standing caps. Adding more wount help either. And if I am not misstaken.... Many people dislike them too. I would love the Alerts back. But i know that DE "cant" do so because they put lots of work into it and do story stuff with nightwave now. So what I want is there to still be alerts and nightwave. Less alerts then there used to but just sometimes here and there a alert so you can pickup something nice and dont have to use your creds for it.

Thx for reading. Have a nice day :)

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I'll say it again in every topic involving nightwave... Can we please, please, please get a big list of potential weekly tasks to do and choose the tasks we want to do each week, that way we can tailor our daily "chores" to content we enjoy or need doing !!! So sick of logging on Sunday to check my weekly chores then spending half the week clearing content I didn't need to play.

We are all different and we enjoy different activities. Stop forcing everyone to do the same menial tasks each week or people will quit. Please. I don't need fish, I don't need nightmare mods, I don't need to Gild a mote amp, stop making me do stuff I hate doing.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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Gerade eben schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

Hi. Here's my opinion :)

Your thread (the 10.000th one about this topic) will definitely change Nightwave

I do not know if it will or not. But I can atleast try :) but thanks for your opinion

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Alerts were stupid. I dont want to schedule my life around a game. You know that not everyone play 6h a day? I was lucky if i got 3 nitains in a week. Thre is a reason why i just started my vauban prime. NW has every reward alerts have + more good stuff like slots. You dont miss out just by virtue of having life. People here have so stupid complains about NW i cant even comprehend it. You need 65% of points , you dont have to do a single elite weekly mission to get rank 30, you can recover missions you didnt complete etc. Saying that alerts were better is simply stupid. You dont have to wait for those reactors, you can just buy them whenever you want. Such alerts were up like once a month and if you could play at that specific time you were out.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb kuciol:

Alerts were stupid. I dont want to schedule my life around a game. You know that not everyone play 6h a day? I was lucky if i got 3 nitains in a week. Thre is a reason why i just started my vauban prime. NW has every reward alerts have + more good stuff like slots. You dont miss out just by virtue of having life. People here have so stupid complains about NW i cant even comprehend it. You need 65% of points , you dont have to do a single elite weekly mission to get rank 30, you can recover missions you didnt complete etc. Saying that alerts were better is simply stupid. You dont have to wait for those reactors, you can just buy them whenever you want. Such alerts were up like once a month and if you could play at that specific time you were out.

Sorry you dislike my opinion. But what I am saying is to have both :) I dont want to get ride of Nightwave

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