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Fan Concepts Index


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Fan concepts Index by our fellow Tenno-mates!

You can post the links to your concepts or the ones you like.



Warframe concepts:

Achilles Hacker Frame


Aide Wind based frame


Alpha - The ancient one


Alt Genders of existing frames


Amethyst Warframe


Amoeba - Shape Shifting Infested frame




Android Warframe Concept




Archangel - Solar frame


Ark - Aggressive Tank frame


Atlas - Quad armed frame


Atlas, The Juggernaut


Ballastic frame


Basilisk, Serpentine Lord


Bastion - Support frame


Battle ready frame - Gran/Grand




Beast Master


Bharmaa PowerHouse frame




Borok - Seismic frame


Briza - Air frame




Caliburn - Sword master warframe


Caprica Brawl-Buffer Frame


Cat/Beast Frame




Centurion - Metal tank frame


Chameleon Stealth/Support frame


Chemistry Based Warframe




Clavus : Lord Of Spikes


Commando/Soldier/Techno-path Warframe


Construct - Summoner frame


Cronus : Time Based Frame




Curiae - Radioactivity/ Technocyte Mutation Frame


Cypher - Hacker frame


Dark Matter




Defender-Tank frame concept


Draft - Air elemental frame


Dragon - Tank frame concept




Drakul - Soul stealer


Drider - Spider frame concept


Dune - Sand frame


Eastwood Frame


Entropy, The Chaos Bringer Warframe




Epsilson The Light Construct


Erzulie - Cat - Warframe


Female Loki frame


Five elemental frames


Fluid - A liquid based frame


Frontline - Soldier frame


Froth - Water Bubble frame


Gale/Zephyr - Wind frame


Gear - The creator


Giest - Ghost tenno


Gimmicky frame


Goliath - Mech frame


Grand Master Of Tenno Martial Arts




Gravity frame


Grim - Necro frame


Grineer modified Tenno






Gunslinger Frame




Gust -Wind frame #2


Hand To Hand Warframe


Hayha - Sharpshooter Frame


Haze The Warframe Of Mist/ Steam




Hel, The Post-Mortem Warframe


Helios - Radiant/Support Warframe


Hellhound Warframe


Hydra- Water frame


Infested Frame


Jaeger - Combo Frame

Jinx-Tricker/Debuffer Frame


Jūna - Lab rat


Ka - Explosive Specialist


Kagemusha - Assassin frame


Kairos - Time frame


Kerr - Gravity frame




Kokuei - Shadow frame


Kyn - support/scout frame




Lumen light manipulator


Male Water frame


MAN frame


Mandala - Mystic frame


Martyr Berserker Frame


Master Forgers - Technocyte Warframe


Masuta - Swordmaster warframe


Maw - Gravity based support frame




Melee Oriented frame








Mimic - Transformer frame


Molecular controller -Medusa


Monolith - Earth elemental frame


Mophine - Healer/Support frame


Morass - mud frame


Nature/Plant frame concept


Nebulae - Star dust frame




Neko : Cat Warframe

Nocturnal - Nova's brother


Nox - Vampire/Support frame








Orion - The hunter


Oris - Male infested frame




Pain - Melee domination frame


Pancetta - Bacon frame




Phantasmal - Psychokinetic frame


Phantom - Ghost Frame


Phantom - illusion frame


Phase - The Galatic Frame


Phase - Void walker


Phobetor, Son Of Nyx


Plasma frame concept


Primal Based Warframe


Puma Warframe


Puppeteer Pet frame


Quad Elemental Warframe


Quartz - Crystal Frame




Rekenber Sentinel Engineer frame


Rhongomiant: The First Warframe


Rock-Warframe concept


Rook - defense frame


Samurai Frame - Irif


Sayomi - Stealth/Assassin frame


Self-Dependent Frame


Sentinel Overlord


Shadow - Stealth / Darkness frame





Shark frame




Shinoa - The broken child


Shirek- Banshee's Male Counterpart


Shiva - Energy/Matter conversion, gunplay frame


Sithis - Shapeshifter frame




Spider Warframe


Spione - Spider frame


Summoner frame


Svraog - Nanotech frame




Swarm - Nano bot frame




Syl - Metal based frame


Tellus - Earth based frame


Tempest - Wind based frame


Tempus Time manipulating warframe


Tiburon - Water frame


Time and space manipulator frame


Triyang - Dopple Ganger master




Umbra - Shade based frame


Vanguard - Noble charger frame


Vector - Particle accelerator frame


Vespa - Bee themed frame






Vinci : The Drone Engineer




Viron - Bacterial/Virus Frame


Volucris - Mage frame


Vorpa - bolt shotgun


Vorpal - Swordmaster frame


Vulcan - Magma frame


Warframe Concept - Spider/recluse


Water Based frame


Wessen - Wild west frame


White Krystral - Light based warframe


Wind- frame


Wolf/Werewolf Frame


Wolverine Based frame




Yumao - Mass based frame


Zunami - Water based frame


Seraph, The Angelic Warframe


Solaris/apollo- The Melee Support Frame


Lucia - Blood Queen


Omni, Jack Of All Trades


Echo - Stealth Frame


Aerial Warframe


Infested Tamer


Chain - Stealth Frame


Cruon - Bloodcurdler Warframe




Thespian - The Mimic Warframe


Bob - Lava based frame




Synthetic Frame


Bunch of frames concepts




Inga - Engineer Frame


Horus The General




Physics Warframe


Ronin, Melee/japanese Samurai Warframe


Orbit - The Gravity Frame


Kepler The Warframe Of Space


Jäger-The Hunter


Ardent - The Architect


Camus The Warframe Stealer


A Challenging Warframe\




Khrono - Time Manipulating Warframe




Chimera / Hybrid




Loki Prime








Hellequin - The Deceiver


Aqua (Water Based)












  • Ungrouped:

Augmentation - Weapon category


Bolt, Heavy pistol, dagger, grenade launcher++ concept


Clan weapons


Grineer Weaponry


Gun - Katana


Infested Weapons


Real Life Firearms


Rocket launcher , gauntlets


Throwable entities - mines/traps etc


Utility weapons


Weapons..lots of them




  • Primaries:
  • Secondaries:

Corpus Pulse pistol


Ether Kunai




Mini-Grenade launcher


Tenno Hand Cannon


The Fraglin - Explosive pistol




Twin Lawgivers - Russian Revolvers


Wrist-Mounted Crossbow


Classy Pistols


  • Melee:

Carapace - Infested Buckler


Dual Jaw swords


Dual Long Swords


Durge - Energy Tonfa Blade


Eskrima - Dual Prova


Ether Scythe


Great Swords - Gram/Gram Prime / Polearm - Predator


Heavy sword


IaI Blade




Katana Of The Ancients


Kinetic Blade - Energy Sword


Kodate - Riot buckler sword concept


Long sword concept -Lightning blade


Martial arts inspired melee


Maul - heavy melee


Normal/Plasma Blade Weapon Concept




Pata Sword


Plague - Infested Axe






Spiked Flail / Morgenstern


Spiked Whip


Split-Second Energy Blade


Sword staff


Tenno Latcher Generator


The Kris


The Kusarigama







Ash Revamp


Canis - Sentinel


Chat-Mission related


Corpus Reskins For Ice Planets


Crowd Control Sentinel


Different Concepts


Different Concepts #2


Energy based melee weapon / Velocity based frame


Event/Faction concept - Tenno Atagonists


Grappling Hook


Lore Dioramas For Frames And Equipment


Lupo - frame , Hunter's needle - weapon concepts


Mines, Cameras, And Lasers


More Level Interaction


Moreee concepts


Musket & Bayonet - Primary And Melee Combo Concept


New Golem Warframe Trailer


Nightmare Event concept


Orokin Derelict Haunted


Planetary Color Palettes


Pvp Competitions


Simia - New faction + Environment + Brutum - Weapon


Stat Screen For Mod Window


Syandana Customization?


Tournaments in dojo


Upgradeable Dojo Rooms


Visual Aura Effects


Warframe Nexus suggestion


Idea bundle


Nekros Like Minions


New World/faction Concept/story


Dojo Directory


Trade Off mods


Clan Room


Lotus Refs & Lines For Merch





[infested Concept] The Spiker


Aegis - enemy units concept


Alternate And New Faction Designs


Bounty Hunters - New enemy type


Corpus Moa: Snare Moa


Corpus Units Rework + New ones


Gravirol Level/Boss idea


Grineer Engineer And Corpus Clergyman


Grineer Units and Squads


Hunteress - Female stalker


Infested Grineer runners


Infested units + Concept art


Lux - Infested laser class


New corpus units


New infested unit


New Infested Units And Mini Bosses


Various forms of Stalker


Void enemy concepts


The Great Plague





Camo Skin For Everything (Warframe Skin, Weapon Skin, Sentinel Skin)


Different state-appearance slots for alt. helms


Ether Greatsword: Gram Skin


Gentleman Frost And Lady Saryn Skins


Nekomimi - Nova alt helm


New hud concept


New model for ogris


Ninja Gaiden Skin Pack


Corrupted Warframes





Air slashes - new mod


Dash Mod


Disarm mods


Gravity Distortion


New frame Mods


New MODs


New Player Experience Mods


Scaled Skin - Armor Applied To Shields


The Ghillie Of The Future


Weapon Mod Concept


Weapon mods


Torid Concept



Boss revisions/New Bosses:


(Corpus Boss) Commander Rayne


A Better Boss Battle For Phobos


Ambulas redesign


Big osprey boss idea/Nef anyo suggestion


Cosmetic Items That Change Animations


Exo Skeleton / Mecha Boss


Generic Boss concepts


Grineer Biotech boss


Grineer Endgame Boss


Infested boss concept


Naming Frames And Sentinels


Nef Anyo Revamp


Octopus boss in Kiliken Dam


Phorid Revision


Raptor - redesign concept


Raptor redesign


Raptor Revamp Concept


Roller Boss


Sgt. Nef Anyo Revision


Wraith - Mini-boss


[boss] Cryo & Arctic Wolf





[sentinel] Claren


Ability synergies


Aesthetics as melee weapon




Armor mechanic solution


Aura mods using account rank


Block mechanic revamp


Charged Abilities


Charged First abilities


Color drops


Detailed alternate Abilities for frames


Dropships & Nightmare Mode


Dual sentinels


Endgame Bosses


Experience Swap System


Game Mechanic Concept - Grineer/corpus Meat Shield




Hydrogen Farm-Map And Infested


Martial Arts


Melee Stances


Merging different clan techs


More Detailed research


Mystery Event, Stalkers little sister


Necro frame's Skillset


New animations


New ult for ash


Passive traits


PvP Balance Suggestions


Revamped System


Sentinel - Weapon arsenal


Sentinels 2.0


Stalker stuff


Team Combo moves


Tenako - A Black Market Trader


Variation in acquiring frames


Void and consumables, merchant function, gambler function, challenges, universal abilities.


Warframe And Level Interaction


Warframe-Weapon Synergy


Aura Cards To Link Powers Between Different Warframes




Passive Abilities


Weapon Fusion


The Art Of Motion And Weapons


Dojo Training Room


Evacuation Squad Lobby (Drop Me Anywhere I'm Needed)


Campaign System (With Meaningful Warframe Gain)



Concept Art:


[Concept Artwork] Dark Frame


3D-Models inspired by warframes


3-Post Concept Art Extravaganza


Concept arts...a lot of them




Quartz/crystal Frame Sketch


Warframe Concept Art- Tentacles


Warframe Sketch




Void Helmet



Gametypes/Missions related:


Aerial assault


Aladv's Game Of Death


Alternate mission briefing cinematics


Concept for new event


Dojo Cyber Missions


Dojo PVP gametypes


Eight-Man Missions


Enceladus, The Ancients' Homeworld Tileset


Eras - End Game Concept


Escape and Colony gametypes


Gametype - Liberation/Escape


Gametype : Defense Of The Artifact


MIssion Concept - Invasion


Mission type - Protect the civilians


New Ciphers and Difficulty


New Gametype - Convoy Ambush


New Planet - Moon


New planets + old planets revamp


Orokin Towers outside Void


Programabble Rooms


Warframe Level (Fallout 3 Vault 106 tileset)


Phobos - Infect/Exterminate


Mastery Rank Test Mission


New Spy Mission




Keep 'em coming!


P.S : Every upvote saves a kitten c:

P.S #2 Thanks for  the pinning :o

Edited by iValianT
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Ya probably should spend some time digging back into the depths. Quite a lot of concepts I don't see that I remember kicking about.


Also, mine for ease of speed-


Unit/Boss Concepts - The Aegis/Minnow Borealis https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76967-the-aegis-corpus-elite-tenno-hunter-units-new-boss-aegis-commander-minnow-borealis/


Warframe - Drider https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34318-refined-earlier-spider-frame-concept-drider/#entry315646

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Great thread!

Although, you spelled "Solune" wrong in the Warframe concept section. :)

Sorry for that , fixed it!




Ya probably should spend some time digging back into the depths. Quite a lot of concepts I don't see that I remember kicking about.


Also, mine for ease of speed-


Unit/Boss Concepts - The Aegis/Minnow Borealis https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76967-the-aegis-corpus-elite-tenno-hunter-units-new-boss-aegis-commander-minnow-borealis/


Warframe - Drider https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34318-refined-earlier-spider-frame-concept-drider/#entry315646

Yeah , I'm spending lots of time browsing feedback forums / fan concepts , added yours too

Edited by Gingka2k10
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